MAC Posh Paradise Discussion


Well-known member
Originally my list was long on paint pots and short on mattenes. My final haul was quite different. I ended up with 2 paint pots (Half Wild and Genuine Treasure) and 5 mattenes (Potent Fig, Eden Rouge, Rare Exotic, Fresh Amour and Unknown Pleasures). I was able to B2M for the mattenes so this ended up being the cheapest haul this year.


Well-known member
Wow. I totally missed the boat on this one. It launched yesterday, I went today and they were already sold out of Potent Fig and Unknown Pleasures, which are the two shades I was really interested in. Guess I should have grabbed them at the Pro store.
i was at the pro store yesterday and both of those were still in stock at that point...
funny, those are the two i am wavering whether to go back for!


Well-known member
Thanks to Shontay *cough cough...nudge nudge* I just ordered Legendary from Nordstrom. It just seems too gorgeous for Fall to pass up!


Well-known member
Thanks to Shontay *cough cough...nudge nudge* I just ordered Legendary from Nordstrom. It just seems too gorgeous for Fall to pass up!
:clapping: You're gonna love it. It's perfect. I didn't have to reapply all day and I liked that it kinda looked like a stain after several hours.


Well-known member
Shontay that pic is amazing! I need to try legendary now!

Now for a stupid question, why does everyone store their used pp upside down? I tend to do this anyway as just a habit, but I was wondering if it helps preserve the product.

princess sarah

Well-known member
i have the same problem with painterly with is why i tend to use bare study alot more, the beige is a bit deep for my skin tone, i thought nubile would work alot better on me so now im even more excited to get my package in the mail!!! nubile to me looked closer to my pale skin tone.

Wow. I totally missed the boat on this one. It launched yesterday, I went today and they were already sold out of Potent Fig and Unknown Pleasures, which are the two shades I was really interested in. Guess I should have grabbed them at the Pro store.


Well-known member
Shontay that pic is amazing! I need to try legendary now!

Now for a stupid question, why does everyone store their used pp upside down? I tend to do this anyway as just a habit, but I was wondering if it helps preserve the product.
the iar doesn't get in if you store them upside down so they don't dry out. plus you can easily see what colour they are! :)


Well-known member
I've only bought Genuine Treasure from this collex.
I'm VERY tempted on Deliciously forbidden and Half wild. I hope it restocks next month or something.
If only I wasn't getting some butter londons from ulta's sale... I would pick up Deliciously forbidden asap.


Well-known member
Seeds of Desire is exactly the colour I used to wear in the 90's. Dark brownish vampy matte lipstick. Yeah, I might have to get it not only because it's fierce, but for nostalgic reasons too.

Also after liba mentioning Temper Tantra and Krazy Kahuna with Legendary, I'm now very interested in it. It just looks darker than those other two am I right? I love TT and KK so a matte version would be very welcome. Oh, and Shontay - Legendary is one of the best lip looks I've seen from you, smoking hot!

So here's my list before I can get to swatch them myself:

- Naked Bliss
- Seeds of Desire

- Pure Creation
- Imaginary
- Half Wild
- Genuine Treasure

- Legendary maybe?
- Rare Exotic maybe?
- Treasure Hunt maybe?
- Idyllic maybe?
- Nubile maybe?


Well-known member
Oh honey im faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from a model. I'm 214 lbs.....
but thanx :) that would be so much fun. Ive never had a anybody apply make up on me successfully.

Sorry, it's been a busy week or I would have jumped on the comment. If you're not into modeling, that's fine. My photographer and I just tend to be fairly bold about asking when we see a face that pretty. My avatar is a picture of my photographer, Fernanda, after we found some netting and the UD 15th anniversary palette. I need to get it to the retoucher to have that shine taken down. If you're serious about not thinking yourself model-worthy, I'd think again. You have extremely well-defined features and a look that is really a 1940's and '50's throwback. It's exotic without anyone being able to pinpoint why. That particular point in time was tolerant - even welcoming - for women with curves. I really didn't see a full-body shot, though, but more of a waist up portrait. If you never do any modeling and only do pictures while on vacation, you'll still be pretty enough to model. You'll just have to accept it and learn to live with the fact that you're probably going to always be that way. If those cheekbones ever become a burden that's too much to bear, I'm sure that other Specktra members would be willing to take them off of your hands ;-P.


Well-known member
Shontay, of all the lipsticks & glosses you've ever modeled, this is the best ever color on you. I love the way mattene looks on you. And this is the most perfect work color.


Well-known member
Did you take Nubile of your list?
I'm so in love with Nubile and Treasure Hunt at the moment. I really hope that Nubile becomes perm at some point.
yep, although it's darker, more peachy and shimmery than painterly it's still too similar to it for my tastes... I only would use it as a base and for that purpose I prefer to finish the one that I have! I also liked idyllic but I had to make a choice between it and something from fall color collection.. emerald dusk has won!!! so a lot of cool colors for me this month (only angel flame has two warm shades! and half wild is quite neutral)