mac postcards??


Active member
I just got a postcard for smoke signals the other day, so I'm guessing they still make them, but maybe they are not distributing many now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kitt3n
I just got a postcard for smoke signals the other day, so I'm guessing they still make them, but maybe they are not distributing many now.

OOOh...i love the smoke signals postcard! Where did you get it from??


Well-known member
we stopped getting postcards in the UAE since the Untamed collection =/ when I was in Australia I asked if I could have a Moonbathe postcard but they were out


Active member
Originally Posted by corngrl2
OOOh...i love the smoke signals postcard! Where did you get it from??

I was shopping at the MAC counter at my local Macy's (this is a weekly event for me these days) and was presented it along with a "You must sign up for our new event." So, I happily took the postcard and signed up for a make-over.

At my make-over last Thurs. I learned a lot about how to improve my smoky eye.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
My MA told me that Mac's not putting out postcards in the US anymore (except for when you get lucky and get one in the mail) because they don't like how they are free items and people go and sell them on Ebay. They think that in Asia, people use them for their own decorative/art purposes, and not to make a profit like the Americans do. This is clearly not the case because all the Mac postcards up on Ebay are from Thailand/Singapore/etc.

Anyways yeah, I've been keeping myself up to date by buying them on Ebay, because I'm crazy. There's been Strange Hybrid, Balloonacy, C Shock, Moonbathe, and Flashtronic.

I think if MAC doesn't like that they're being sold at Ebay when they're supposed to be free, they're making the problem bigger by discontinuing them or distributing very little. If most people can just grab them at the counter and there's a steady and free supply of it for us MAC addicts then who would buy them on Ebay? They're just making us want postcards more because they're so damn rare now.


Well-known member
Yesterday my counter got some SMOKE SIGNALS pamphlets! They have all the looks for the collection, plus snapshots from the promo video! It's hot!


Well-known member
they aren't postcards, but if anyone is interested, the new viva glam VI ads are in the magazines right now.

eve is in the october lucky, and dita is in the october glamour. we've had the eve postcard at my counter now for a little while, so hopefully we will get the dita one soon.


Well-known member
Do they do postcards for the holiday collections... because I got the email for it today and I love the gold design with the crown for the antiqued collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by islandgirl
I think if MAC doesn't like that they're being sold at Ebay when they're supposed to be free, they're making the problem bigger by discontinuing them or distributing very little. If most people can just grab them at the counter and there's a steady and free supply of it for us MAC addicts then who would buy them on Ebay? They're just making us want postcards more because they're so damn rare now.

Seems like they really care about the postcards being sold on ebay... but what about all those fake MAC's hmm?


Well-known member
I got the ones for Smoke Signals & VG-VI also, with orders from here recently, plus a SS card in the mail from Dillard's. I just never know, and hadn't gotten any in quite some time from or anywhere.


Well-known member
The reason some of them are sold in ebay is because we can't GET them in the US! I collect EVERY SINGLE POSTCARD, MAILER, INVITE, ETC. ---check out my collection by clicking on my signature- but I swap or pay for the ones I can't get here. I have cards back to 1994.

anddddd... theyyy keep coming out with NEW ONES I HAVE to have!! LOL

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
a really cool MA gave me MAC postcards of Anquitease, Plush Lash and Smoke Signals. and gave me 2 of each.


Well-known member
I asked at my MAC store and they didn't have any new ones, they said the Antiquitease cards would be in next week. I was so hoping to get some enw ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
a really cool MA gave me MAC postcards of Anquitease, Plush Lash and Smoke Signals. and gave me 2 of each.

Ooooh what does the Antiquitease postcard look like? I've only seen the mailer and the invite, and Im obsessed with that model!


Well-known member
The Antiquitease postcard looks much like how the huugeee promo poster at MAC looks

I have a photo of it in my sale thread (sorry! NOT trying to promote my thread!! But I thought you guys mind be interested in seeing a photo, that's all!!

ETA: here it is!



Well-known member
What's going on!! I used to see them and didn't mind them so I never took any and the last one I did take my mom through away
Well I wish they would at least send them with online purchases!! I miss them. What's happening!
MAC BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

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