Originally Posted by NikkiHorror Wow that's quite controversial: Not allowing MAC Nordstrom or MAC Macy's artists the previlage of doing makeup for fashion shows AND not considering them true MAC artists? That's pretty scary.
That must be a regional thing, because here in So. Fla, it doesn't matter what counter/store you're at...if you're FS certified, you can do fashion shows/work PRO Store events/launches, etc.
Hmmm...maybe I'm wrong. They've always referred to Macy*s as a "partnered location" so I just figured that since that was partnered, Nordstroms was federated.
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki They put us all together if we aren't working in a store.
Yeah - 'partnered' just means that MAC has partnered with a store and has a MAC location inside it. So anything that is not a MAC store, is considered a partnered location.