MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
Can anyone show swatches of SK, Diva, and Dark Side next to each other? I was wondering how close they all are

Sorry I don't have Diva.

I know you didn't ask but here's Dark Side, Studded Kiss, Extended Play, and a double-layer of Rusty from the Huggables. You can see that Studded Kiss pulls slightly more purple-red than red-red, at least on my very pale skin. (Sorry for the shaky Extended Play, my four year old decided that was a great time to head-butt me in the hip.)



Well-known member
I have both SK and diva I would say they can pass as twins only difference is diva is slightly darker and deeper then SK looks like it has a lil more red which pull a tad bit brighter.




Well-known member
Sorry I don't have Diva.  I know you didn't ask but here's Dark Side, Studded Kiss, Extended Play, and a double-layer of Rusty from the Huggables. You can see that Studded Kiss pulls slightly more purple-red than red-red, at least on my very pale skin. (Sorry for the shaky Extended Play, my four year old decided that was a great time to head-butt me in the hip.) 
Thanks for the extra swatches! Extended Play looks like my potential next purchase :D


Well-known member
You're welcome. Better hurry - it's on the Goodbyes list! :D
I really wonder what the hell is up with that Goodbyes list. My beloved P&P Vibrancy Eye is on there, which makes no sense to me. I was at a counter today (not my usual store) and asked the MA if she could check and see if her system still lets her re-stock it and it does. I wonder if it's going to be something like what went on with Stone lip liner, where it wasn't available on the website for quite a while, but you could always get it in free-standing stores. The MA wondered if they'd just put it in the Goodbyes section to encourage people to buy it.

It's not like MAC has another eye primer that does as much as Vibrancy Eye. I hope I don't have to buy 10 bottles of it. :mad:

There are a lot of really nice Pro Longwear Lipcremes - they're actually kind of more in fashion now than they were when they came out - lots of dark colors and colors with brown undertones. Til Tomorrow is one of my favorite mauves!

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