MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


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[@]Uptownbackinit[/@] Ditto! It's kind of like Pantera (or any other band/ musician you can relate to) it's just not the same when you're missing someone or change style. [@]Naomi[/@] atleast we have makeup down right?! Lol I'll stick with my bun or crazy hair as long as my face is right haha ;)


Well-known member
@Naomi atleast we have makeup down right?! Lol I'll stick with my bun or crazy hair as long as my face is right haha
They weren't the same after! Luckily he went solo.

And I hear you ladies and unmanageable hair, My hair is long and super thick and wavy and just useless! but its too party to cut.


Well-known member
They weren't the same after! Luckily he went solo.

And I hear you ladies and unmanageable hair, My hair is long and super thick and wavy and just useless! but its too party to cut.
I used to hate my curls so I kept my hair straight for years, now I love my curls but have no idea how to really style them so it just stays in the same easy to manage wash and go style. lol


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Pantera :heart:  I could never get into any of the side bands that formed after they disbanded, it just wasn't the same.  I have almost everything down pretty decently besides eyeliner and contouring, I try and try to get my contour right but the last time I did it it looked like my nose was crooked. :eek:hboy: I used to hate my curls so I kept my hair straight for years, now I love my curls but have no idea how to really style them so it just stays in the same easy to manage wash and go style. lol
Oh hair woes! When hair is long and black everyone calls me Elvira. I think it's the big boobs. So I dyed it pink last summer (used to dye it all colors in high school, missed those days) and I couldn't wear red dresses without it looking so ridiculous!! You cant win with hair sometimes ;)


Well-known member
Oh hair woes! When hair is long and black everyone calls me Elvira. I think it's the big boobs. So I dyed it pink last summer (used to dye it all colors in high school, missed those days) and I couldn't wear red dresses without it looking so ridiculous!! You cant win with hair sometimes
Stupid hair, more trouble than it's worth sometimes! I dyed my hair a ton in high school, I swear I didn't know my natural hair colour anymore until I was in my 20s. lol


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I wore a beanie (the one in my avi) for 8 months straight last year to grow out my mohawk!
I bet you looked pretty bitchin' with that mohawk too! I've always loved them, especially deathhawks, but I'm a weenie and just live vicariously through the lives of the 'hawked. lol


Well-known member
I bet you looked pretty bitchin' with that mohawk too! I've always loved them, especially deathhawks, but I'm a weenie and just live vicariously through the lives of the 'hawked. lol
I tend to do hair cuts on a whim. I'm waiver back and forth for forever and then decide last minute in the chair. :lol:


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The most I've ever done was cut myself some bangs on a whim. I felt so daring doing it too. LOL
I've finally grown mine out after 1+ years, but knowing me, I'll probably chop it all off again once the weather gets too hot. And I'll probably just do it one random day.


Well-known member
Stupid hair, more trouble than it's worth sometimes! I dyed my hair a ton in high school, I swear I didn't know my natural hair colour anymore until I was in my 20s. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by AutumnMoon

Oh hair woes! When hair is long and black everyone calls me Elvira. I think it's the big boobs. So I dyed it pink last summer (used to dye it all colors in high school, missed those days) and I couldn't wear red dresses without it looking so ridiculous!! You cant win with hair sometimes
My hair was every color in highschool too. My friends used to try and guess what color my hair would be the next week cause I always changed it. heck, I'm still constantly dying it. Just natural colors though, and I still don't know my natural color. Probably like dark blonde.


Well-known member
I was always a bit of a weenie too! Sure, color was never a problem but the most crazy I ever went with my hair was my late teens when It looked like 80's "hairmetal" feathered like crazy (think of the sing of Wasp) and then in my early 20's i had "bettie bangs" thats the bravest I went. I let all my friends wear the hawks, and chelsea cuts for me.

My hair was every color in highschool too. My friends used to try and guess what color my hair would be the next week cause I always changed it. heck, I'm still constantly dying it. Just natural colors though, and I still don't know my natural color. Probably like dark blonde.
I stopped doing "crazy" colours when I was about 20 when I decided to be a redhead, then it was a chocolate brown and it's been black for about 4 years or so except for about 3 months when I went back to purple. I haven't dyed my hair since summer in an attempt to reacquaint myself with my natural colour which is a really dark reddish brown. I'm missing my black though and think I might go back to it in the coming months.


Well-known member
I stopped doing "crazy" colours when I was about 20 when I decided to be a redhead, then it was a chocolate brown and it's been black for about 4 years or so except for about 3 months when I went back to purple. I haven't dyed my hair since summer in an attempt to reacquaint myself with my natural colour which is a really dark reddish brown. I'm missing my black though and think I might go back to it in the coming months.
I miss crazy colors! I don't have the patience for them now though. And Wahoo for red heads! I'm debating going red my hair is a lovely color of fading black to brown right now
But that involves taking the time to lift my hair and dying it. I refuse to let anyone touch my hair. The two times i've let my hairdressing friends they've only destroyed it.


Well-known member
I miss crazy colors! I don't have the patience for them now though. And Wahoo for red heads! I'm debating going red my hair is a lovely color of fading black to brown right now
But that involves taking the time to lift my hair and dying it. I refuse to let anyone touch my hair. The two times i've let my hairdressing friends they've only destroyed it.
I miss them too, but they are so much work which is why I didn't keep up with the purple even though I wanted to. I let this one lady bleach my hair when I was like 17 and I had so much breakage I had to cut like 4 inches off! I have been mental about people touching my hair for anything other than a cut ever since!


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I think I have the least shame ever about growing my hair out. Roots, funky cut grow-out, whatever. People can cope, as far as I am concerned. :p What's funny is I've had people _compliment_ me on grow-out before. I grew out a very severe asymmetrical inverted stacked bob (could that have more descriptors?) that was flaming red with red-orange highlights and had people compliment me on the "great cut" about six months into grow out. I have no clue why or how, that just seems to be the way it is for me. I've had this cut this time around for about two years now and I love it. I'm sure I'll wind up doing something different eventually (my next move would probably be an asymmetrical bob, honestly.) My hair also grows really quickly, which probably speeds me past the awkward so I don't have time to notice it before I'm hacking it off again.

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