MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
i tried that too because i originally used heroine. but it still seemed dark. where do you guys sell your lipsticks used? i posted a lot of stuff to the beauty talk page of sephora for trade


Well-known member
i tried that too because i originally used heroine. but it still seemed dark. where do you guys sell your lipsticks used? i posted a lot of stuff to the beauty talk page of sephora for trade
They sell it in the clearance bin on here. You have to hit the minimum post count to gain access to it :)


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Beautybuyer

They sell it in the clearance bin on here. You have to hit the minimum post count to gain access to it

thanks, I heard about that but i thought it had to be new only


Well-known member
So I've been wearing Studded Kiss a lot lately!!

This was from before a night out and I was just going for a really Sharon Needles type of lip!! hehe ^_^

And then just today I was the lead in a music video for a band which was really cool! I was the flirty waitress character!! It was 20's inspired and so much fun to be a part of.
Here's a pic of myself and one of the lovely gals who was also in the video!!

I should get some more pics from this day soon as there were also some photographers around!!
^_^ Xxx
Tommy Studded Kiss looks AMAZING on you.


Well-known member
LMAo :) hahah il wait the few posts out. I actually even have a chanel fdn that im too lazy to return to macys, that i wanna trade too. So i think the bin will be helpful


Well-known member
Hi, I was wondering if anybody is selling a Sensual Sparks l/s. I lost mine and I'm so sad because I liiiiiveeeed for that lipstick, it was the perfect nude paired with overspiced omg:eek:hboy:   its so sad but if anyone is selling it, for the right offer I am willing to purchase asap
Posts like this aren't allowed in the discussion threads. Once you've reached 50 relevant posts, you'll have access to the CB, where you can sell and buy products.


Well-known member
I think I'm having buyers remorse. I bought all 4 but I don't know how I feel about them now, I liked them at the time but eh I don't know if I still do. Maybe I shouldn't have picked them up


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by thefbomb

I think I'm having buyers remorse. I bought all 4 but I don't know how I feel about them now, I liked them at the time but eh I don't know if I still do. Maybe I shouldn't have picked them up

thats exactly how i felt when i couldn't make either work


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by thefbomb

I think I'm having buyers remorse. I bought all 4 but I don't know how I feel about them now, I liked them at the time but eh I don't know if I still do. Maybe I shouldn't have picked them up

thats exactly how i felt when i couldn't make either work
I haven't worn either Instigator or Punk Couture out yet. I love dark lip pies, but a)I already have Smoked Purple, Dominator, Cyber, and a few others, and b)these may actually be too dark for me. Oh well...


Well-known member
I got the lippies so late that I was already feeling the need for lighter colours. I wore the red once for work though, and they said that my lippie's "darker than normally".


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by burghchick

I haven't worn either Instigator or Punk Couture out yet. I love dark lip pies, but a)I already have Smoked Purple, Dominator, Cyber, and a few others, and b)these may actually be too dark for me. Oh well...

I don't have any of those, but i always thought cyber was too dark for me so i never bothered , I was surprised you could barely see the purple in them


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by MRV

I got the lippies so late that I was already feeling the need for lighter colours. I wore the red once for work though, and they said that my lippie's "darker than normally".

Everyone is probably in spring mode already! ha, Im waiting til the end of the month to switch out my spring blushes and then start wearing my brighter lippies.


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I haven't worn much in terms of fall colors this year... I'm rocking them until it turns 75 degrees consistently. We have another 4-8 inches of snow coming tonight...

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