MAC Red, Red, Red Collection (Dec 4, 2014)


Well-known member
I'm hoping that Such Flare will come back in this collection since I missed out on it with Glitter & Ice Collection.


Well-known member
This collex comes out on my B'day and my daughters (we share the same date) ! :)
It's my bday too! As soon as I saw the launch date (Dec 4th) I said to myself "self idc what's in this collection you are so going to pick up something, anything!" and myself was like "yasss gurlfren, because birthday treats!" lol


Well-known member
It's my bday too! As soon as I saw the launch date (Dec 4th) I said to myself "self idc what's in this collection you are so going to pick up something, anything!" and myself was like "yasss gurlfren, because birthday treats!" lol
Yayyy!!!!! I am dec 4 too!

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