MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I just would like to place one last order before tomorrow. ( I will be getting up at 3:30 am - not to stalk but to drive someone to the hospital for surgery.) Really wish Nordstrom's online wasn't being such a butthead right now.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for your reply! But even RiRi I showed up an hour late and they still had everything. I'm wondering if they produced less of the osbourne's stuff than Riri since KYY sold out faster than Riri's lipsticks online or so it seemed to me. I even sent my coworker in to get me backups of lipsticks for Riri at 11:30. Normally I'd be there at the crack of dawn to line up but I have a newborn. I'll show up when I can.
I guess because I'm near Philly and had to deal with the RiRi ratchets.
But I went to all 3 stores and each time the RiRi lippies were sold out within 10 mins.

I think Osbournes sold out faster online because there was no waiting room?


Well-known member
I just would like to place one last order before tomorrow. ( I will be getting up at 3:30 am - not to stalk but to drive someone to the hospital for surgery.)  Really wish Nordstrom's online wasn't being such a butthead right now.
Right? Totally got my hopes up.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for your reply! But even RiRi I showed up an hour late and they still had everything. I'm wondering if they produced less of the osbourne's stuff than Riri since KYY sold out faster than Riri's lipsticks online or so it seemed to me. I even sent my coworker in to get me backups of lipsticks for Riri at 11:30. Normally I'd be there at the crack of dawn to line up but I have a newborn. I'll show up when I can.
There is like a 1/4 to 1/2 of the stock that there was for RiRi according to the stores/counters where I have friends.


Well-known member
Just wondering, what are lines like at freestanding macs on release dates for big collections like this one? I've never been to MAC when it opens. Anyone have any experience they can share from like the Marilyn and Riri collections? This collection seemed to sell out so fast online I'm wondering if I need to get to mac at the crack of dawn. When Heroine and Embrace me hit MAC I got there an hour after it opened and got the last ones. Literally the last ones. Do I really need to be there super early to line up or can I roll in at like 10:15 and still get KYY?
I think our fellow Specktra Girl [@]KMQE716[/@] described this process best in the Riri Holiday thread:
First you arrive early like 2, maybe 3 if you live in a highly populated area and sit outside looking super tired like this: and then other pple start to show up and look at you like this: mostly bc you got there before them and now they have to count back how many less lipsticks or brushes/bronzers/liners they can get then people start to chat with you to also inquire to see what you are getting. At this point you will think you are BFFs bc everyone seems so friendly! Sometimes someone will come out and tell you how to line up in line and then someone may ask how much they have or something and then someone will reply they only have 2 Pleasurebombs and then you look like this:    bc you realize you are 4th in line and the ones in front of you don't want to talk to you so you have no idea what they are getting and now you are disgruntled like the women behind you lol Then finally you see them opening the door and everyone is all rushing again it depends on the situation but this may be you or may not be you, maybe you will be the stampede! be nice and take your time! Then you line up and they check you out and you either get what you want or don't want and then pple around you will either be really sad or really happy hopefully happy  and as you walk away you look and see all the people glaring at you because you win and they most likely will only be able to buy those terrible looking veluxequads Anywho good luck girl! :haha:


Well-known member
just switch Veluxe Quads with Patent Polishes And PleasureBomb with Kelly Yum Yum and it'll prolly be the same thing. [@]Gonzajuju[/@]


Well-known member

I'm finding this really, really hard to take right now.
i don't know or follow this person but most evilbayers and sellers don't ask how much people are willing to pay. my guess is it's a MAC employee or friend of one who just took a picture of a random MAC drawer. When i go on launch day that's what they drawers look like. i'd not give them attention or time. ignore the sellers if you stop buying from them, they will stop selling (eventually lol)