MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
So would you guys recommend going to Nordstrom or to MAC for this collection on the 12th? Both are in a mall. It says the mall opens at 10 AM--I think this means when the door opens? So I'm guessing no lines. Also I'm really fas, I ran track in HS and colleget. How embarrassing would it be if I started sprinting to the store? :D
I'm still on the fence with DG but I would go to the store. That's what imma do to see if I like it enough. Plus these elongated shipping wait times kill me lol


Well-known member
YAY! My Macy's order shipped! And those were the lipsticks I was most worried about losing out on, Dodgy Girl and KYY. Now just waiting for my Nordie's order!


Well-known member
So would you guys recommend going to Nordstrom or to MAC for this collection on the 12th? Both are in a mall. It says the mall opens at 10 AM--I think this means when the door opens? So I'm guessing no lines.

Also I'm really fast, I ran track in HS and college. How embarrassing would it be if I started sprinting to the store? :D
I'd call ahead and see if someone can tell you how many of each they have--especially for the products you are most interested in.


Well-known member
I haven't gotten my Nordies shipping notice yet :crybaby:  and when I try to check up on the site, it says that it can't show my order history "due to technical difficulties"
Yea I got the same error when I checked earlier I'm not going to worry about it anymore. They better just let me know something before Thursday so I can hit the store

Dolly Snow

Hey Dolly, I hope you're doing better. Sorry about your mom too, I know it'll get better just hang in there with her. What are you up stalking for tonight?
Hey boo! Thank you for the kind words. I will always be here for her. And nothing lol just up late as usual. I am going in store for the rest of my goodies. What about you?


Well-known member
Sorry for lack of makeup it was a lazy day.

Dodgy Girl Along

Dodgy Girl in center of Candy Yum Yum

Dodgy Girl center of Goddess of the Sea


Quote: Originally Posted by smileyt06

Finally got my only two items I wanted and couldn't be happier!
