MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

You're adorable and you look very fresh faced!
Thank You, it's more I can't be bothered to put on makeup so we're gunna have to work with this face!


I am leaning towards keep it and CB any extra for someone who missed out, because I will be able to unload it, and it is a nice thing to do.  I HATE Belk "free shipping" as it takes 3 weeks to get to a person, so I was going to upgrade.  Costly, yes, but still cheaper than feeding into the IG or EVILBay scalpers.  The problem becomes that these stupid gnomes add shizzle to every order, like now they just threw in some damn brushes I don't need...
I've never heard of belk shipping that slow. Each time I order from them I get a shipping notice in a few hours.


Well-known member
sweet jesus Belk launch Kelly's side already :eek: it's driving me nuts seeing the promo pic and all Sharons and mouse


Well-known member
Hehehe tried to call Dillards just to see if it was a error that DG isn't showing only and the lady asked what i was looking for and all I said was a Mac Lipstick and she was like "I can tell you right now we don't have it" then had a nice convo with her at how shocked we bother were that it sold out that quickly.


Well-known member
That's such a bummer that dillards launched already.
I wish MAC would just release more of these so that the ebay people were all left hanging. I mean, most of them are charging at least double what it really cost them and it's just sad.
Hehehe tried to call Dillards just to see if it was a error that DG isn't showing only and the lady asked what i was looking for and all I said was a Mac Lipstick and she was like "I can tell you right now we don't have it" then had a nice convo with her at how shocked we bother were that it sold out that quickly.
thanks for the update... coz I kept on going back every 30 seconds and refreshing the page just in case they "diligently" fixed the issue.
out of principal I will not evilbay! I will go kyy and dg-less before I support what they represent. Those people are why this is so insanely hard to get
I never bought make up on EBay... I just checked now, its at LEAST double the price. eeeek. but danggg they're just so prettttyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I contacted someone from an earlier post just now who was offering to sell her extra DG, I'd rather buy it from her... we'll see - fingers crossed



Well-known member
I am leaning towards keep it and CB any extra for someone who missed out, because I will be able to unload it, and it is a nice thing to do. I HATE Belk "free shipping" as it takes 3 weeks to get to a person, so I was going to upgrade. Costly, yes, but still cheaper than feeding into the IG or EVILBay scalpers. The problem becomes that these stupid gnomes add shizzle to every order, like now they just threw in some damn brushes I don't need...
3 weeks to ship....really? Didn't know their shipping was that slow....ugh!
Well, they say 4-10 business days. It was between 2-3 and they ship in an envelope with no bubble wrap, so its chancing it, for a certainty, but s/t they are the "port of last resort." And it would appear they are smart enough to be sure they have actual stock before they sell it to you. They have never cancelled on me. Oh, and the shipping is free, such as it is. So I went ahead and got Sharon's brushes, P&C blush, Pussywillow. I will stalk as I can at work, have to go to a meeting now, for the Kelly stuff. If there is no stock, they may not ever launch her side but we can hope!

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