MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Dolly Snow

Lol, I like the way you think. I haven't tried it yet. I was waiting to put on my boxing gloves and head out to the counters on Thursday. I saw the swatches on T's site and I think she's mentioned she's NC30 as I am. Thing is, her swatches always leave something to be desired IMO. Anyway, I've seen it on you and it looks gorgeous but then again, what doesn't? I don't think I've ever seen you in a lippie you can't rock.
I am going to the store too lol brave it out it's a lot of fun imo lol Once you try it in store make the choice then. Take extra cash incase you need a BU. And aww thanks babe. I'd like to think I can rock many lippies.


Well-known member
I would of backed up Heaux if I got the chance to. The only lippy I've ever felt the need other than Heaux to back up was RRW. I wish I liked DG more and wanted to back it up!
I'm with you. I like DG, but I don't love it. I think it looks good, but not great. I think it's more that I'm not used to seeing myself in purple than anything. Yesterday I was rocking it... Feeling confident... And I stopped at the rents and mom goes "your lipstick is.... Purple..." And I was like yeah, so? I like it. And she's like "well, it's purple. I like your eye makeup though." Now I'm like ... :cry:


Well-known member
I'm with you. I like DG, but I don't love it. I think it looks good, but not great. I think it's more that I'm not used to seeing myself in purple than anything. Yesterday I was rocking it... Feeling confident... And I stopped at the rents and mom goes "your lipstick is.... Purple..." And I was like yeah, so? I like it. And she's like "well, it's purple. I like your eye makeup though." Now I'm like ... :cry:
I wear purple lips so often my mom now thinks its weird when I wear a different colour other than purple! Lol. She gave me the side eye at first but she's gotten used to it. Should of seen her face when I walked in wearing Blow. Lmao!


Well-known member
I asked this earlier, but it's really driving me nuts, so I'm going to ask again...Those of you who have Cheeky Bugger, is yours packed with very reflective, very noticeable sparkly bits? Mine is, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that. I feel like a disco ball :-/
I haven't swatched mine yet but I was surprised by the sparklies too. But looking at pictures people have posted here you can make out some reflective flecks so I think you're okay?


Well-known member
Smoked purple, punk couture, instigator, pureheroine, heroine, strongwoman, ririboy, dodgygirl, meltdarling.


Well-known member
I asked this earlier, but it's really driving me nuts, so I'm going to ask again...Those of you who have Cheeky Bugger, is yours packed with very reflective, very noticeable sparkly bits?  Mine is, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that.  I feel like a disco ball :-/
Mine has glittery/shimmery particles but I don't think it's over the top or anything. Let me also add though I love glitter and sparkle so I might just feel differently! Lol I also haven't worn it on my cheeks yet, only did a hand swatch since it just came in yesterday but I didn't think the glitter was too much


Well-known member
I asked this earlier, but it's really driving me nuts, so I'm going to ask again...Those of you who have Cheeky Bugger, is yours packed with very reflective, very noticeable sparkly bits?  Mine is, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that.  I feel like a disco ball :-/
Okay, I re-pulled my CB out and it does have a bit of sparkle to it, but when compared to my other satin blushes they all do. When I wear CB I've never noticed my cheeks being sparkly though, if I had it'd be an automatic giveaway. It gives more of a glowy sheen if anything.


Well-known member
I'm with you. I like DG, but I don't love it. I think it looks good, but not great. I think it's more that I'm not used to seeing myself in purple than anything. Yesterday I was rocking it... Feeling confident... And I stopped at the rents and mom goes "your lipstick is.... Purple..." And I was like yeah, so? I like it. And she's like "well, it's purple. I like your eye makeup though." Now I'm like ... :cry:
I think people who aren't super into makeup are often really confused by different colors. I love to mix it up and wear purples or really dark colors! My mom does that sometimes too, she'll ask me, "are you really going to wear that?" But she only wears berry shades so I don't listen lol


Well-known member
I asked this earlier, but it's really driving me nuts, so I'm going to ask again...Those of you who have Cheeky Bugger, is yours packed with very reflective, very noticeable sparkly bits? Mine is, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that. I feel like a disco ball :-/
A disco ball absolutely
no way is it that glittery. In fact, Its very very soft sparse shimmer which barely even shows on the face. Maybe you got some extra fairy dust.


Well-known member
Finally, Nordies confirmed my order. In the meantime I ordered an extra Peaches & Cream from Belk, who still haven't put up the Kelly collection. Not sure if they ever will. But I will probably put the extra blush in the CB when it arrives.

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