Well, on the
eve of what promises to be the
is upon us!!
In preparation I've loaded up on my
vitamins and
helmet optional --but I'll be sporting my
KRYPTONITE VEST (galvanized with
VALYRIAN Steel-for you
GAME OF THRONErs! I was gonna break out the spiked elbow pads -but i figured that might be overkill! After all, are we not sophisticated door crahsers??! Rumour has it that MAC has hired extra security for the day -smile- it's going to be rather interesting to say the least.
I was going to turn in early -but couldn't turn down an invite to an industry early-screening of
OMG!!!!! For those of you smitten by the original formula- this one does not disappoint!
Laugh out loud absurdity and some quality FUNNY scene chewing by both Channing and Jonah!!! (No spoiler alert! BUT REMAIN IN YOUR SEATS FOR THE ENTIRETY of the credits roll!
Dodgy Girls unite!- tomorrow is the day we
either 1.
cave -and make the blinking purchase already!
(seeing as how one can no longer delude themselves in thinking that their VIVA GLAM NICKI 2 is doing the trick after seeing
ALL of your GORGEOUS selves
sporting the
REAL deal!!)-..... or 2.
REWARD ourselves with
much validated BU's!!
My daughter says she actually likes
Kelly YumYum post-wear stain /
Cherry-mouthed- Popsicle-pout!! So of course I now too have to have that
post-frozen-treat-lip allure!! (droll eyeball rolling) {
HAHAHA! With my luck I'll look like Mindy Kaling after a reckless night of binge eating spaghetti-
) Here's to a successful and
extraordinarily eventful day!
Just wondering...... when this Thread hits pg.
should we
NOT only
name a cocktail in
honor of this
Odyssey, but actually
mandate an entire weekend devoted to its celebratory success! Let the
nominations for
'Mistress of Ceremonies' commence!
Lipstickaddict? ElegantOne? Mousygiggles? Lilinah? Naynadine? Liba?.... Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? HerGREYNESS? ( I have a few dozen other names on my 'short list'
of terrific contenders- but daylight is breaking and I've still got to load the dryer!!)
I look forward to tomorrow's reading!