MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Dolly Snow

FINALLY GOT MY STUFF!!! :nanas: I went to the MAC near my workplace just before they opened, thinking there wouldn't be too many folks there because that place is rarely crowded before lunch. But there were 14 people in line! Thankfully, the store handled the crowd well (which is good because it is TINY, more of a kiosk, really) and only let a few people in at a time. They sold out of DG while I was waiting...they apparently only got a few pieces because they're such a small MAC. Luckily, there's a Macy's not far from that location which still had it in stock, so I bought what I wanted and then power walked to Macys, where I got the very last one!!! I'm so happy I can finally put this to bed after weeks of stalking and having such rotten luck on all the websites. And to think I was all "meh" about this collection at first. I got DG, KYY, Cranberry, Bijou and Patentpink...can't wait to play with them when I get home!:cheer:
woo hoo


Well-known member
Very pretty! I love SP on you!

Quote: Originally Posted by NaomiH

Love SP on you @Erinaceina!
Thanks, guys. I hadn't planned to get it, but when I got to the counter, I just couldn't resist it.


Well-known member
I guess living in a small city with 3 Mac counters and 1 store means launch days are painless first time braving it to the store on launch and I must say its quite pleasant! I was the first served and there were only 4 other girls there...I have to say I almost second guessed myself...those girls look like they're about my son's age! (he's 16)...I never felt so darn old (I'm pushing 40) I'm I too old to rock these Kelly lippies lol?!? Funny thing too...I was checking out the girls if they look familiar ie. are they specktra anyways...ended up with 2 KYY and 2 DG...back home already and the mall opened 25 minutes ago...
KYY and DG are going to look AMAZING on you! I ended up with BUs of KYY, DG (I guess this is a BU to my BU?), PnC and Bijou. And to think I only wanted KYY when the collection first came out.
They weren't taking phone orders either, since items were selling out within the first 10 minutes of the store opening. I hope everyone gets their goodies!


Well-known member
managed to order from a Dillard's counter :D so happy they will mail them to me.
They were limiting the orders to 1x per item, so no backup of DG, but I guess one will do :d


Well-known member
KYY and DG are going to look AMAZING on you! I ended up with BUs of KYY, DG (I guess this is a BU to my BU?), PnC and Bijou. And to think I only wanted KYY when the collection first came out.
They weren't taking phone orders either, since items were selling out within the first 10 minutes of the store opening. I hope everyone gets their goodies!
Specktra is the culprit with everyone looking spectacular lol!


Well-known member
So I wanted to try to go to the mall early to check this out but I have some errands to do with my dad. I may try to go later to see what's left. :)


Well-known member
Going to hit my Dillard's after work and see what's hanging around and try out Refresh & maybe Jolly Good though I'm sure that'll be all kinds of ashy on me. Other than that, I'm done with this collection! Glad to see you ladies getting your goodies.


Well-known member
Got all the lippies in-store. I went an hour early and was second in-line. When I left the line was out the door. There's gonna be a lot of angry people.

And for the millionth time, my damn lippies are still in Iowa. wtf Nordstrom. My blush will be here today though!!
My blush is in Iowa, too! So irk! It hasn't moved since the 10th.


Well-known member
I end up going to my counter and they only had two cranberry liners and three Riot house lipstick, that was only because the girl who put out the display didn't want to waste one as a tester. There wasn't a lot of people there. But I got what I wanted so I not mad. Onto the next collection.

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