MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Glad I was able to help.. This makes me feel good.. I went out this morning and was 2nd in line at my store.. I was able to get back up of Strip Poker and another backup of Dodgy Girl.. I just wanted to see them in the flesh and couldn't resist buying more--- mainly because my Nordstrom order won't be here until tomorrow and I am impatient... I felt sort of guilty about it since I already have 1 Strip poker + 2 Dodgy Girls on the way... So this makes me feel like my karma is back on track a bit lol.. (even if I really don't believe in karma but it relieves my guilt)..
Ladies, I was able to also get DG. I had to call another Macy's in Atlanta, GA to do so. But the order has been placed and I have 2 DGs on their way to me. Specktrettes, you are truly the sweetest and best people I've encountered in the online makeup world, and thank you for taking the time to help everyone make sure they get the items they want. You made my day and I hope I can eventually contribute more to this board so I can help others as well.


Well-known member
Finally got around to wearing Cheeky Bugger today! Paired it with Dodgy Girl which I'm really loving
Glad to see everyone's getting their items from the stores!


Well-known member
So I went to the store this morning after Court. I got to the mall 15 minutes before Macys opened and I was third in line. By the time they opened, there was four of us including my cousin. So my cousin and I let the two people in front make their purchase. The first person in line, no doubt a faithful boyfriend, was paying for his four lipsticks when two other girls came in. Someone from the clinique counter came in and ask these two if they needed help and they said oh yes, I need three of this, three of that, etc. The clinique SA proceeded to grab so much stuff and I swear, I gave her the dirtiest look and say:

"Well, excuse ME. There IS a line and this lady is next. Then it is my cousins turn and mine. I do not mean to be rude but WE have been waiting outside for 30 minutes"

I am usually not like this but man, I was on fire! I wanted my damned lipsticks. I am a good girl tho, I let my cousin go first. Then after everyone was done, I asked if I could call my coworker and see if she wanted anything before it sold out. They allowed me to make a second purchase of one bijou and one KYY for my secretary. It was fun overall :p


Well-known member
My fiance hit up the mall for me today (wanted Dodgy Girl because I don't trust Nordstrom, and I wanted him to see if all the Cheeky Buggers had as much sparkly crap as mine does) after calling the stores to see what they had. The MAC store had received ONE Cheeky Bugger and ZERO Dodgy Girls. The MAC inside Macy's told him "we have them, but you have to run." He went to Macy's and was successful. There was only one other customer there, a woman who bought one of everything.


Well-known member
So I went to the store this morning after Court. I got to the mall 15 minutes before Macys opened and I was third in line. By the time they opened, there was four of us including my cousin. So my cousin and I let the two people in front make their purchase. The first person in line, no doubt a faithful boyfriend, was paying for his four lipsticks when two other girls came in. Someone from the clinique counter came in and ask these two if they needed help and they said oh yes, I need three of this, three of that, etc. The clinique SA proceeded to grab so much stuff and I swear, I gave her the dirtiest look and say:

"Well, excuse ME. There IS a line and this lady is next. Then it is my cousins turn and mine. I do not mean to be rude but WE have been waiting outside for 30 minutes"

I am usually not like this but man, I was on fire! I wanted my damned lipsticks. I am a good girl tho, I let my cousin go first. Then after everyone was done, I asked if I could call my coworker and see if she wanted anything before it sold out. They allowed me to make a second purchase of one bijou and one KYY for my secretary. It was fun overall :p
Good for you for standing up for yourself!
Those girls needed to wait their turn just like the rest of you.


Well-known member
Still in search if DG and KYY. Did they only send 4/5 of each color to each counter throughout the US. Ugh!!!! Not happy with this launch. I have spoken to several stores in different parts of the country and they are all sold out. I can feel my BP going up .....


Well-known member
Sephora - Nars Mekong es - GORGEOUS!!! If you love smokey eyes just get it.
UD Ozone lp

Mac - Cranberry & What Comes Naturally LLs

Nordies - Backups of both blushes, Cranberry ll, DG
Tomorrow from Nordies I get another DG, KYY
and then JG MSF, a second KYY & 3rd CB blush
& a third Pedro blush


I LOVE LOVE it on my lips
wow. you are also my idol!!!!

a 3rd Pedro blush??? oh no, it is THAT good???????!!!!!

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