MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
:eek: I hope you broke up with him straight away.

sadly no i was all screwed up in the head when i was younger. with men i mean. Im 31 one now and been single since i was 26. dated another asshole after him and IM DONE!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by vanessas82

Oh no that's awful! How could he say that to you?! I'm sorry hun but nobody should be treated that way. And yes I agree men sux! They suck big hairy Bigfoot BALLS!
Yeah it took me a long time to realize that. Since i have never had a normal relationship i stay single. I have become sooo independent i will have a hard time dating again. I mean i jus cut men off lol


Well-known member
sadly no i was all screwed up in the head when i was younger. with men i mean. Im 31 one now and been single since i was 26. dated another asshole after him and IM DONE!!!! Yeah it took me a long time to realize that. Since i have never had a normal relationship i stay single. I have become sooo independent i will have a hard time dating again. I mean i jus cut men off lol
I can totally relate. As for me I liked the "bad boys" boyyyy let me tell you I sure do wish I thought differently when I was younger. You live you learn. You stay single for as long as you want and when you are good and ready
That is horrible! I'm so sorry
that's ok girl thanks
Omg i want to kick these evil ex boyfriends in the nuts!
Plz do!


Well-known member
Luckily I've never experienced anything like that with a Man. That would start a war :mad: i don't play when it comes to things like that they better run.


Well-known member
Finally posting - wearing strip poker today and it is the only nude that has worked for me so far omg
wow! that looks so pretty on you!!

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
I got my Kelly yum yum, dodgy girl, and riot house and strip poker!!! And peaches and cream blush yay!!!! Thanks to debbs!! she is a life saver.... i almost missed out. Would have been so heartbroken omg. I jus tried them all on again and attempted pics, but i have the worst phone camera ever its all blurry. Gotta try again tomorrow. I never post pics cuz my phone sucks. need to buy a real digital camera they are like 60 bucks no excuse. everyone looks so dang purdy in there kelly and sharon goodies! Also got a cranberry coming to me

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Luckily I've never experienced anything like that with a Man. That would start a war
i don't play when it comes to things like that they better run.
your eyebrows would punch them in the face!!!! hehe. Yeah if a guy tried that wit me now it would be a different story. at one time i was shy and quit. so long ago.......


Well-known member
I'm so happy... I got my hands on a Cranberry l/l.. Belk's cancelled my order of Cranberry l/l and PnC blush, and of course everywhere around me was sold out, Well my boyfriend lives in Naples and I was visiting with him the past few days and couldn't resist checking out the local mall. Found my Cranberry in Dillard's at the Coastland Center Mall... In case anyone is still searching. :rasta: On another note, I'm going to Colombia for one month, which I'm really excited about. I'm going to miss my bf.. It's been a tough year for us, but on the bright side I feel it has brought us closer. :bigheart:


Well-known member
I finally got to wear KYY out on Sunday! I love it and find it way more wearable than CYY. Please excuse the smudged mascara

My mother didn't comment on my lipstick so I thought I was safe, but I was wrong... xP
Me: What do you think of my new lipstick, Mom?
Mom: -looks- It makes you look old. -turns away-
. Do NOT listen to your mother. You look pretty and NOT old in it.


Active member
So, I came across this on my friend IG. I couldn't help but laugh! So not funny.... Lol lol
:shocked: OMG! I know a girl who this really happened to! She was a big time mac collector, and he broke all her powders & eyeshadows, cut up her lippies & squeezed out tubes. Then he slashed her expensive purses & crap! He took revenge on her for breaking his very large cd collection. This was before the days of mp3's! It was tragic! Talk about an unhealthy relationship! If that ever happened to me, I would have to melt down what was left of my lippies into a palette, and then kill him... Slow! lol

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