These pictures don't have the best lighting (my room is very dark and my phone cam didn't do the colors any justice -_-'') but here are comparison pictures (NW20-22 skin tone):
Top Row: Kelly Yum Yum, Pink Pigeon
Middle Row: Silly, Embrace Me
Bottom Row: Nylon OCC Liptar
Top Row: Nylon OCCLT, Silly, KYY
Bottom Row: Embrace Me, Pink Pigeon
Silly, Embrace Me
Nylon OCC
Silly lipstick doesn't really compare to any of the other lipsticks since it's more yellow-toned and warm. Embrace Me and Nylon are more blue-toned and cool; Nylon being more bright/neon and Embrace Me being darker and more fuchsia. KYY is satin, bright, and more pink while PP is a wee bit more muted,dark, and matte. They're all in the fuchsia family but they're like sisters and cousins.

Personally, I prefer Kelly Yum Yum, Embrace Me, and Nylon while Silly is the one I use the least. I hope the pictures and description help!