MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips re: swatching CB. I have a few glosses, but tend to stick to lippies. I will have a look at Bijou

Chanel blushes are divine, ask Medgal and Elegant, they adore them!!

I got the Pink and Coral, and I actually love the Coral more! It's a pink/coral and it comes with a kabuki brush which works really well, it's just gorgeous and effortless. It's 10g so totally worth the price. It is a must have, and if you google it, you'll find lots of reviews. It is amazing, one of the best make up items I have ever had, I hope you get it.

I was just wearing MAC Speak Louder creamsheen, it reminds me a bit of Red Balloon- do you have it? I'm loving it, I neglected it (like so many others lol).
I got the Dior Coral!
Thank you so much for the tip, because I am SO excited to get it! I use my Dior Aurora bronzer all the time (it is from a few years back with a basket pattern) and if this blush is anything like it in formula, I am definitely going to LOVE it! Thanks again for letting me know! Yay!

I don't think I have speak louder---will have to check that one out! After purchasing this dior blush though, and it was seriously expensive with shipping and everything, I am putting myself on a low buy / no buy until A Novel Romance. Looking forward to Good Kisser lipstick from that collection!
Hoping it is a matte version of Red Balloon, or similar! Cannot wait!


Well-known member
Hi Hun that looks brilliant love it It looks very bright pink on you Where as on me it's darkish Have you got any other colour on I really like it though Hun xxx I may give mine ago tomorw again x
I have Cranberry on alone. It's more of a medium pink on me, not that bright. On my iPhone, the pic appears like the actual color but I'm on my computer now and it's looking like a bright pink , so maybe it's the color settings :/.

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