MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
As long as you know what you want, and don't mind waiting for the post, it is a great alternative. The cheapest is 5-15 dollars for a mac package, depending on the weight. And that takes 2-4 weeks from ordering till you get it. But you can always use more speedy couriers, that cost more, but you get it in a few days :) We don't have any stores in Norway either. But we have 2 or 3 counters that sell refill products. And 2-3 counters that just sell the "regular stock", and we finally got an online store that sells mac a year ago. (and no counters that take back2mac) Cosmetic life isn't as easy as it is in the US :p
I am from Austria and here we have 4 stores in total (3 of them are in/near Vienna :lol:) and some counters. We have an online store as well but this OS is strange sometimes. The Osbournes LE hasn't even been released online yet and I think they won't sell it online. We don't have b2m here either... :(


Well-known member
Good for you. You don't have to take your "garbage" with you on vacation so you can back2mac for a new lippie.


Well-known member
Finally this collection launched in my country and it sold like hotcakes. Glad that I managed to get wanted ... kelly ym yum, dodgy girl , rioy house and cheeky bugger blush. Here is a pic of me wearing kelly yum yum n cheeky bugger blush


Well-known member
Look with Ossbourne: eyes: Sharon quad, Cheeks - Sharon blush, lips- Kelly lipstick

Wearing MAC In Synch lipliner as a lipstick w/ MAC Pussywillow lipglass and MAC Hodgepodge lipliner
Quote: Originally Posted by geeko

Finally this collection launched in my country and it sold like hotcakes. Glad that I managed to get wanted ... kelly ym yum, dodgy girl , rioy house and cheeky bugger blush. Here is a pic of me wearing kelly yum yum n cheeky bugger blush

Ladies you all look beautiful!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Finally this collection launched in my country and it sold like hotcakes. Glad that I managed to get wanted ... kelly ym yum, dodgy girl , rioy house and cheeky bugger blush. Here is a pic of me wearing kelly yum yum n cheeky bugger blush
Wow, these look awesome on you! Luv the pic as well.


Well-known member
Thank u ladies.. I was so worried that I could nt get my hands on the stuff I wanted. Luckily I went early coz I got the last pc of dodgy girl and the collection had jus launched:barf:


Well-known member
Thank u ladies.. I was so worried that I could nt get my hands on the stuff I wanted. Luckily I went early coz I got the last pc of dodgy girl and the collection had jus launched:barf:
Glad you got what you wanted!
It is so strange that they only have about five tubes of each lipstick


Well-known member
Finally this collection launched in my country and it sold like hotcakes. Glad that I managed to get wanted ... kelly ym yum, dodgy girl , rioy house and cheeky bugger blush. Here is a pic of me wearing kelly yum yum n cheeky bugger blush
So beautiful on u

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