MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I like talking to the mall walkers lol they are so nice. Yes 6am lol
Wow! I have heard of that, but we don't have that here---I mean officially. I'm sure there are people that walk the mall lol. That's great! I guess if you are waiting for three hours, you can chat with a lot of people going by!

Dolly Snow

I've been told that I have a resting bitch face haha people think I'm angry or mad all the time at work, and I'm just not. Lol
They think the same about me lol. Always asking me why I am so angry? Sometimes I snap back "because you are talking to me!" Lmao :haha:


Well-known member
They think the same about me lol. Always asking me why I am so angry? Sometimes I snap back "because you are talking to me!" Lmao :haha:
Haha my manager comes by and she's like 'smiles and stop looking angry' .... And that's when I'm trying to look like my normal BF. I can't help it!!!! Lol

Dolly Snow

Wow! I have heard of that, but we don't have that here---I mean officially. I'm sure there are people that walk the mall lol. That's great! I guess if you are waiting for three hours, you can chat with a lot of people going by!
Lol it is funny they are little old ladies and men who think I am the sweetest girl around lol. I like listening about their life and stuff about the 40s and fifties and how times have changed. I listen to my grandma say the same things all the time she is 85 lol.


Well-known member
I love it! Don't you? Lol I really don't mind!
I've been told that I have a resting bitch face haha people think I'm angry or mad all the time at work, and I'm just not. Lol
They think the same about me lol. Always asking me why I am so angry? Sometimes I snap back "because you are talking to me!" Lmao :haha:
Through out high school my friends called me "looks" cause of always giving bitchy looks to everyone. Now 10 years later still have the same name. I always get asked what's the matter and told to smile. But in my mind I'm perfectly happy. The bitchface keeps the bitches away though.


Well-known member
Lol it is funny they are little old ladies and men who think I am the sweetest girl around lol. I like listening about their life and stuff about the 40s and fifties and how times have changed. I listen to my grandma say the same things all the time she is 85 lol.
that is really sweet Dolly.. you are an angel

Dolly Snow

Through out high school my friends called me "looks" cause of always giving bitchy looks to everyone. Now 10 years later still have the same name. I always get asked what's the matter and told to smile. But in my mind I'm perfectly happy. The bitchface keeps the bitches away though.
I know what you mean! I am usually perfectly happy happy and feeling great most days. It isn't my fault my face looks like this. Also what is it with people telling me to smile. If I wanted to smile, I'd smile right? Sometimes life on a daily basis doesn't need a smile to make it perfect. Besides if I smiled more Id have wrinkles and they don't fly with me!


Well-known member
Lol it is funny they are little old ladies and men who think I am the sweetest girl around lol. I like listening about their life and stuff about the 40s and fifties and how times have changed. I listen to my grandma say the same things all the time she is 85 lol.
I love that. And I concur with HG---you are an angel!

I'm sure they love talking to you too.

Dolly Snow

that is really sweet Dolly.. you are an angel:angel:
Aww thanks! I really am old headed as my brother says. I like to watch classic movies and classic shows! I love lucy is my favorite! I love watching the Golden Girls! I watch reruns all the time. I love older folks! You'll never guess my favorite movie lol


Well-known member
I know what you mean! I am usually perfectly happy happy and feeling great most days. It isn't my fault my face looks like this. Also what is it with people telling me to smile. If I wanted to smile, I'd smile right? Sometimes life on a daily basis doesn't need a smile to make it perfect. Besides if I smiled more Id have wrinkles and they don't fly with me!
You're cracking me up here...LOL


Well-known member
Aww thanks! I really am old headed as my brother says. I like to watch classic movies and classic shows! I love lucy is my favorite! I love watching the Golden Girls! I watch reruns all the time. I love older folks! You'll never guess my favorite movie lol

lol me too.. I love love old movies. I just watched the Great Lebowski.. it's a crazy movie (you'r supposed to be high when watching it) lol

Dolly Snow

I love that. And I concur with HG---you're an angel! :angel: :heart2:   I'm sure they love talking to you too.
Aww thank you too. It makes me sad sometimes, when my mom was in one if those care facilities after her stroke. My heart would break this little old lady in her 90s never had visitors. So me and my sister would sit with her and talk to her about whatever just to make her day. I may have chronic bitch face but I am an emotional person!


Well-known member
Aww thank you too. It makes me sad sometimes, when my mom was in one if those care facilities after her stroke. My heart would break this little old lady in her 90s never had visitors. So me and my sister would sit with her and talk to her about whatever just to make her day. I may have chronic bitch face but I am an emotional person!
That is awesome Dolly. There is a Hospice at the end of my street, and the old people often come by my place to walk to the park (with their family or care giver).They often stop to pet my dogs and chat with me about the plants. It is really nice. Both my grandparents died a long time ago now and I really miss them sometimes. They would tell me all kinds of stories too. I also love old movies (and shows!). I gave my mother in law the complete dvd series of I Love Lucy for Christmas :)


Well-known member
As for my MAC counter, it is useless. Closest one is an hour away and they don't know anything. As in, don't even know what the next collection is when it's due to be out within a week.
Quote: Originally Posted by Genn People have lives, families, jobs Sometimes people don't have time to sort through hundreds of posts. If it is annoying to certain people that they ask questions why don't certain people just ignore it and let the people it doesn't annoy answer them.
1. Look at the very first page - usually it has the best known release dates. Not always perfect, but usually. The person managing the board usually updates as soon as release dates are known or changed.

2. Up near the top of each page is a little magnifying lens and the words "search this thread". While it, too, isn't perfect, it saves time - no need to be randomly searching through endless pages of posts.

Dolly Snow

That is awesome Dolly. There is a Hospice at the end of my street, and the old people often come by my place to walk to the park (with their family or care giver).They often stop to pet my dogs and chat with me about the plants. It is really nice. Both my grandparents died a long time ago now and I really miss them sometimes. They would tell me all kinds of stories too. I also love old movies (and shows!). I gave my mother in law the complete dvd series of I Love Lucy for Christmas :)
Aww that is really sweet of you to let them pet your pets and talk to you about things. Both my grandfathers died when I was very young. I only have one grandma who is alive. My other abuela I would rather not talk about the down right horrible way I found out she died. I just want as much time as I can have with the only surviving grandparent ya know? I bought all the lucy seasons for my mom. She loves her lol.

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