MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
That's what I was thinking!!!! So I don't sleep the night of the 2nd OR the night of the 3rd OR the night of the 5th (Lorde and Lourenco at Nordies). I got a job people!!! And I'm shadowing in the OR ALL day on the 2nd starting at 7 am so my husband is gna have to do it. And I work in my neuro lab on Tuesday, that lab does NOT give me room for error, I have to be rested. I need an assistant lol
If it makes you feel any better, Lourenco probably launches on the 2nd at Nordies. They always launch at 12amPST on the Mondays the week of in store releases.


Well-known member
That's pretty much the sweetest thing ever :D You have a great man!!!
Aww thanks! He has been working insane hours this whole week and I've hardly seen him, so it's nice to be able to relax at home this weekend. I'm sure next week when he has oral surgery he going to be driving me crazy (I know he is going to be acting like a huge baby), so I need to enjoy this.

Dolly Snow

I don't handle compliments well, never know what to say... but I've been reading each of your responses to my post and I have to thank you all for being so supportive! I love you guys!!! I can't tell you how much it means to me, and today is my birthday, so it's an incredible birthday present for you all to recognize and reinforce everything I've done. Thank you x1,000,000!!!!!!!!!! I hope I can be there for you all too like you've been there for me!!!


Well-known member
Happy happy birthday!!
I don't handle compliments well, never know what to say... but I've been reading each of your responses to my post and I have to thank you all for being so supportive! I love you guys!!! I can't tell you how much it means to me, and today is my birthday, so it's an incredible birthday present for you all to recognize and reinforce everything I've done. Thank you x1,000,000!!!!!!!!!! I hope I can be there for you all too like you've been there for me!!!


Well-known member
For what it's worth here is my conversation with MAC chat from just now:

"Welcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. Your personal Makeup Artist will be with you shortly.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Hilde. How may I assist you?
Mia: Hi! I'm so sorry to bother you but could you please tell me when you expect the Osbourne collection to launch online for non-pro members? Thank you!
Hilde: Hi Mia!
Mia: Hello!
Hilde: We're expecting this collection to become available on 6/2!
Mia: For non-pro members as well? I keep hearing 6/2 is the pro date and I'm not a pro - I just really don't want to miss it!
Hilde: Yes, that's the date I'm showing in my notes!
Mia: thank you so much!!
Hilde: You're welcome!
Mia: Have a great weekend!"

She told me 6/2 for everyone so just to be safe, my stalking starts on Monday!


Well-known member
I actually wish this would launch a little early or just not on Thurs bc I'm taking a class this summer which is Mon/Weds/Thurs and I'll have my phone but for some reason whenever a collection just goes up my phone doesn't see the products right away, I always have to run to my computer


Well-known member
I don't handle compliments well, never know what to say... but I've been reading each of your responses to my post and I have to thank you all for being so supportive! I love you guys!!! I can't tell you how much it means to me, and today is my birthday, so it's an incredible birthday present for you all to recognize and reinforce everything I've done. Thank you x1,000,000!!!!!!!!!! I hope I can be there for you all too like you've been there for me!!!
Happy Birthday!!!


Well-known member
Here's my chat! And I called Nordies and they said Lourenco on the 5th, but I will stalk them on the 2nd too since I'll be up ANYWAY :p

Welcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. Your personal Makeup Artist will be with you shortly.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Marci. How may I assist you?
Laura: Hi! My friends and I are trying to figure out when the Osbourne collection launches online. Some of us have
been told the 2nd, some the 3rd, and some the 5th. We want to know when to start stalking the website
Marci: Hi Laura. Based on the information, Sharon's half of the Osbourne Collection is anticipated to launch on June
2nd with Kelly's following on the 3rd.
Marci: Both collections launch at MAC Pro on June 2nd.
Laura: Thank you so much!!! Most of us were pretty sure it would be the fifth, so we would have missed the whole
collection, thank you SO much!!!
Marci: We recommend to keep checking back as there is always the possibility of delays.
Marci: You're welcome.
Marci: Enjoy Free Overnight Shipping on any purchase with code NEXT at checkout. Offer is valid through 11:59 PM
ET Friday, May 30, 2014.
Laura: We will stalk all night starting at midnight on the second! Have a great weekend!
Marci: You too!
Marci: We would like to get your feedback about today's chat. I hope you will take some time to fill out our Exit
Survey. If you would like a copy of this transcript, simply click on the "Print" button within your chat window before
clicking on the Exit Survey.
Marci: As we continually strive to improve the service we offer, we’d love to learn more about your experience. Would
you please take a few minutes to tell us how we did? Simply click here to take our Satisfaction Survey. Thank you in
advance for your participation.
Thank you for chatting with us. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us again.

No idea why I assumed it was a guy... the person's name is Marci!


Well-known member
I am thinking between 8 and 9.30 EST. Thats been the case last few times. Its been a while they launched something midnight.
True, but I still don't trust them from past shenanigans and this is my first big splurge since Punk Couture that I'm excited about so I'm not taking any chances.


Well-known member
What time zone is MAC? I usually stalk the nordies release, I'm not sure what time to start stalking sunday night, or to beg my husband to start stalking... I'm central

I would tell my husband to make a specktra account and stalk with you guys but I don't think he could handle it. I just put lipstick on him (Pleasant Patentpolish) and it looked SOOOO pretty on his full, pigmented lips and NC40 skin, but he said it "hurt" and made me wipe it off lol He let me put lipstick on him because I played the birthday card, he's just got the most beautiful lips!!! I want to put lipstick on him!!!


Well-known member
me either and if they tell me to sign up for those damn texts "you get a month after a collection launches" one more time i swear ill explode!
Right?!?!?! What is the point?! Everything is sold out by the time I get the stupid emails/texts. Worthless!!!