I'm back - I'm in a rush so I can't post much but my main thoughts are here:
Naughty Saute - I decided to skip it. We have seen these pinks plenty and plenty of them are in the perm collection. IT was cute, but it was far from unique.
Watch Me Simmer - I came in wearing Full Speed Sheen Supreme to compare. It's the same color except BRIGHTER and RICHER and just a teeny weeny touch more orange leaning. Oh it's so so so so cute!! I love Full Speed and wore it all summer long last year and this is the louder, brighter, wackier sister. I don't think it'd be too far off to call it Toxic Tale for the springtime. SO CUTE. It's a must buy.
Quick Sizzle - I brought in my Pink Pigeon to compare. PP is lighter by a couple levels and brighter by also around 2-3 orders of brightness. It's also a touch bluer and has more of a white undertone to it - that's what's making it look lighter and brighter and a little bit clearer. QS is brighter than Rare Exotic mattene but it's quite similar - just a more spring version with less rose undertones. Do you need QS if you have PP - maybe, since it's a touch more subdued and "adult". Do you need it if you have Rare Exotic? Maybe not, unless RE was a touch too subdued for you and you wanted something a bit more fun. I really think it's great and will look extra bright on darker skins, while appearing more rich on paler gals. I'd say it's a more accessible hot pink than PP, so if you missed out on that one, don't feel bad - QS won't need as much bravery to wear and will still be plenty loud if you want it to be.
I bought ALL 3 Fluidlines - they're gorgeous. Very sophisticated colors, especially the grey, which reads a beautiful blueish mid-grey on me, and the taupe brown, which is definitely like a paler, gentler Dirty (which is one of my all time favorites). Wholesome is really superior too - much more flattering than blacktrack I think, because it's a richer, warmer black and has a moist matte finish, rather than a dry matte. I love 'em so much.
I will talk more about the rest but I have to run - 'just wanted to give the heads up on my personal stand outs!