"MAC shouldn't be worn everyday, it's stage makeup."


Well-known member
As mentioned before, MAC originally was used for photography and film. Then it was sold to everyday people. Everyday people aren't actors and models... evne though MAC sort of makes us feel like we're stars... if that even makes sense?


Well-known member
Not ALL Sephora employees are bad, mind you. :p We also don't work on commission.... I think in any store, dept or makeup retailer, you will get others who trash talk lines in order to sell what they have. Period. You need to go in with your own thoughts, and take what they say with a grain of salt. Every time I sit a client down, I listen to what she uses, and then I ASK if she is happy with said product. If she isn't then I recommend something. I never trash talk what they use, or other lines, because ALL makeup brands have something great to offer...


Well-known member
We aren't all anti-MAC, now...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Thats why there is MAC PRO STORE, they have things that are used for the 'stage' and other things. But no way is MAC in general, a stage makeup brand. In fact, that is a compliment because it is one brand that has variety for most skin tones. MAC is sold everywhere and all the products can be worn everyday depending upon what works for you. And its guaranteed that other MAs will say that about MAC because its their competitor.

THANK YOU! That's what I was saying. I'm like if it was stage makeup, it wouldn't be sold in a department store. All their stage items are in the STORES only. Not the counter.

I guess because she works at Sephora and I don't work at any type of beauty store she thought she was right. Because that's the vibe I was getting from her.


Well-known member
Funny, BE is actually really horrible for your skin. I'd rather trust a huge international company like Estee Lauder with science and technology behind it than some shit concoction a hippie brewed up in the 70s.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NYDoll88
Funny, BE is actually really horrible for your skin. I'd rather trust a huge international company like Estee Lauder with science and technology behind it than some shit concoction a hippie brewed up in the 70s.

That's funny, because huge international companies are typically the ones looking to make the most money with the least effort, and usually don't have the consumer's best interests at heart.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NYDoll88
Funny, BE is actually really horrible for your skin. I'd rather trust a huge international company like Estee Lauder with science and technology behind it than some shit concoction a hippie brewed up in the 70s.

Yep, BE is not good your skin at all. It's got all that bismuth crap in it which causes irritation. It even broke me out, and I've never had any other foundation break me out.


Well-known member
Meh...I hate the attitude of "To sell my products, I need to talk crap about other lines". Positivity works wonders...hope that Sephora SA learns that. My Sephora SAs get my sale by telling me how much they love *insert product here* and what it does for them- not by trashing another line. And I think that philosophy is universal in retail. Positive attitudes will take you far


Well-known member
Since when did Sephora hire such ignorant people? She was so rude =.=' Billions of people use MAC products for everyday use!


Well-known member
Pure and simple, an uneducated comment. I wouldn't pay much attention!

MAC is one of the most-used brands by the professional make-up industry, and not primarily stage make-up either. Soooo, yeah. Silly. I also think most people give their skin enough of a break from make-up that it won't 'ruin' your skin or make you age faster. I'm sure it CAN play a role in the condition of your skin, but as long as you wash it off every night and allow your skin to breathe, I can't see it making much of a negative impact. Unless you're a clown for a living. In that case, it may have some bad effects... :p


Active member
oh my godddddddddd she clearly doesn't know what she's on about. im a professional make up artist and i also work for mac 2 days a week.. i wear mac make up on a daily basis and its not stage make up. mac is great.. youve got light make up and youve got the more fuller coverage and bright coloured make up. theres something for everyone and for every day wear soooo in conclusion shes needs to shh up


Active member
Originally Posted by slowhoney
Pure and simple, an uneducated comment. I wouldn't pay much attention!

MAC is one of the most-used brands by the professional make-up industry, and not primarily stage make-up either. Soooo, yeah. Silly. I also think most people give their skin enough of a break from make-up that it won't 'ruin' your skin or make you age faster. I'm sure it CAN play a role in the condition of your skin, but as long as you wash it off every night and allow your skin to breathe, I can't see it making much of a negative impact. Unless you're a clown for a living. In that case, it may have some bad effects... :p


i use mac for crazy wacky photoshoots but then ill use it for bridal make up too.. theres a look in mac products for everything


Well-known member
Originally Posted by goodbyexxkitty
Yep, BE is not good your skin at all. It's got all that bismuth crap in it which causes irritation. It even broke me out, and I've never had any other foundation break me out.

Same here. BE made me have horrible acne, face really oily, itchy, and my face BURNED when I sweat or when the oil mixes. And it's not an uncommon reaction at all considering I've heard so many being allergic to the bisbuth oxychoride.

I emailed BE a couple times before about their products and application and always got a reply back. When I told them about my face itching and stuff, I got NO REPLY back! Not even a "see a physician, BE might not be fore you" or anything!


Well-known member
There are some people [I'm one of them] that can't wear MAC foundations. I tried the Studio Fix, Mineralized Satin Finish and they either turned yellow on me or, in the case of Studio Fix, clogged my pores. Clogged pores were not a case of using dirty sponges, brushes or not cleaning my face well. It's just that the ingredients aren't suitable for my skin type. I couldn't use Bare Escentuals either; the bismuth made my face itch and gave me an eery, metallic sheen. I do use mineral makeup from another company; a small company based in Texas and I do tend to think that company has the interests of customers in mind.

With that said, heavy MAC foundations may not be for everyone but the range of colors is truly awesome. And the eyeshadows, blushes and MSFs are truly stellar. Too bad the OP ran into such a snarky Sephora SA; I've had the good fortune to encounter nothing but great CS from my local Sephoras.


Well-known member
Because MAC started out as makeup for photography, they actually have consistently decent pigmentation in their products. Wonderfully no-fuss, practical, well pigmented products in an obscene range of colours and textures. I'm so sick of searching for random HGs that cost an arm or leg that may or may not work with dubious marketing schemes. FYI, just because its mineral and natural doesn't mean its automatically "good" for your skin. Actually, there's no basis for mineral makeup to be better for your skin just because its mineral.


Well-known member
I never heard that mac is "stage makeup" I'm a MUA & I never heard of this.
I wear mac foundation & powder, i'm 34 I don't look a day over 25.
Things to do to help your skin
- drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
- wash all makeup off before going to bed
- exfoliate 1x a week
- use SPF
- do not use a sponge when applying foundation, use a brush. If using a sponge throw it out, do not reuse
- make sure all your brushes are clean
- moisterize day & night, apply eyecream & night - your never to young to start moisterizing
- limit yourself to alchol
If you do these things for your skin. Your skin will thank you later. If you have prob. skin goto a dermalogist.
Hope this helps


Active member
Wow - I only heard that comment about MAC being stage makeup once in passing sometime in the early '90s when MAC was first going mainstream.

*Edit: I should mention that the person who said that wasn't, umm how do I say this nicely...she wasn't very "up-to-date". She only wore Mary Kay or Merle Norman or something that started with an M.

No offense intended to anyone who uses Mary Kay or Merle Norman, of course.


Well-known member
haha. The rumor that MAC shouldn't be worn everyday was probably started by competitors in order to discredit MAC. :p

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