MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
[COLOR=EE82EE]This is a look I did using Dynamic Duo 3 on my blog... so to all of the gals in Europe, definitely pick this one up![/COLOR]
Wow, you certainly make me want the duo, amazing look. :) Do you think the teal is dupeable? I have so many already....


Well-known member
Wow, you certainly make me want the duo, amazing look. :) Do you think the teal is dupeable? I have so many already....
Thank you ! It's a nice duo. I don't have anything like the real shade in my personal collection, and It's pretty big so no ... I don't think so.


Well-known member
I've been wondering about Magenta blush, too...I heard it doesn't blend well though
It's just super pigmented! So, you have to go lightly and build it up to your desired intensity. People that are having trouble blending it are either using the wrong tools or are grabbing too much product. It will look beautiful on you!


Well-known member
I picked up pink cult, private screening and Star quality. A few other things manage to jump in my bag as well
Quel dommage! There must be some traffic then. I was at Paris PRO last summer the day Semi-Precious came out. I waited outside the store for the opening and was the only customer the whole time I was there!?


Well-known member
Huh, a lot: 3 lippies and 3 glosses, 2 blushes, 3 liners total, and 4 e/s!

PS the DD#3 really is a good one. The teal is so soft and pigmented. But I'm so furious the e/s don't have names, not even the textures are mentioned!

Quel dommage! There must be some traffic then. I was at Paris PRO last summer the day Semi-Precious came out. I waited outside the store for the opening and was the only customer the whole time I was there!?
Oh and I got Magenta blush. I like it a lot. And yes I didn't like that the duos had no names... if the quads have names then the duos should too!


Well-known member
Thank you ! It's a nice duo. I don't have anything like the real shade in my personal collection, and It's pretty big so no ... I don't think so.
I love your swatch of that teal, and it looks fabulous the way you have applied it. I think that the lack of naming the products is holding me back on those Dynamic Duos. I can't deal with numbers for the color of the product, I need a name to remember the color by. Probably why I don't buy any Dior stuff except the quints, at least those have names! I cannot get too excited about lipstick number 23. But give it a fancy name, and I get all twitterpated. Now the Nars blush names, don't get me started...