MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
Thought I'd show a couple photos of me using some of the RS/Hey, Sailor! stuff.

Heroine on roughly NC15.

Took this one this morning before college (excuse my uniform) - Feeling Fresh with Humid and Pink Cult blush.


Well-known member
Very beautiful PeachTwist!!!

Heroine looks gorgeous on you and I really like the combo of Feeling Fresh and Humid.
Thought I'd show a couple photos of me using some of the RS/Hey, Sailor! stuff.

Heroine on roughly NC15.

Took this one this morning before college (excuse my uniform) - Feeling Fresh with Humid and Pink Cult blush.


Well-known member
I got my:

Pink popcorn-my favorite.. totally unexpected but it looks so nice and nude! (definitely nude for a girl like me, who hardly wear anything non-bright-as-hell)
Reel sexy-let's just say its suprisingly flattering on my pinky skin....again unexpected
Watch me seriously...meh
Heroine-I like it but gotta be careful with what i wear with it. it seems to clash with what i'm wearing today :p


Well-known member
I know I'm late to the party cos I had to wait to come to NY to get my stuff but... here is me wearing heroine



New member
hey hope u dont mind me saying hi. first time on ere just tryna get a feel for things, nice pic, soo basically how does this site work lol. xx


Well-known member
Tried Star Quality over Stripped Down and it looked fabulous.

I've been trying a lot of lips with Stripped Down since BEE's suggestions and am really liking the effect.


Well-known member
I know I'm late to the party cos I had to wait to come to NY to get my stuff but... here is me wearing heroine

And you are the hotness, as usual. I was skeered to try the Heroine lippy, now I am inspired :)

Anyone who missed out on Pink Popcorn, I tried Asian Flower seasonal supreme lipstick on top lip and Pink Popcorn on the bottom, and I could not tell them apart color-wise. The seasonal supreme lipsticks are slightly more greasy, otherwise, dead ringers.