MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
I'm doubting backing it up too along with WMS.

Somehow I keep hearing this song in my head lately...

I'm sure this will be a themesong for many of us... Right, Pinkdollface?
Haha now it is! Since mac doesn't do a bright purple in the matte formula often (did they ever before?) i didn't want to take the risk.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
dont be ridiculous. we are skin sisters (not twins but...close enuff!!!!) do u even have it? with this lipstickk thought I recommend a PERFECT skin. as in full coverage, not a crazy contour or blush. if ur skin is perfectly even ANY dark lipstick works. us <NW25 gotta work that skin before having fun.
Nope, I don't have it. I don't even dare to buy a colour like tat, LOL, I don't even wear reds. I feel darker l/s are unflattering on me for a couple of reasons, one is me having red-ish brown hair and freckles, I feel like some colours, like purple, look weird with that. So I stick with a very natural look most of the time. Maybe I'll try a purple lippe one day.


Well-known member
You should really give purple lippis a try Naynadine!!!

Nope, I don't have it. I don't even dare to buy a colour like tat, LOL, I don't even wear reds. I feel darker l/s are unflattering on me for a couple of reasons, one is me having red-ish brown hair and freckles, I feel like some colours, like purple, look weird with that. So I stick with a very natural look most of the time. Maybe I'll try a purple lippe one day.


Well-known member
Tried my Pink Popcorn today and I love it - received lots of compliments!

STILL waiting on that messed up order to arrive so I can request the refund and order Duo #3. I'm getting really impatient now.


Well-known member
Thanx for the compliments girls. If you dont have heroine and you think u'll have fun with it go for it. I cat wait to go out at night to wear it out :p


Well-known member
BTW I got pink cult again (I depotted the one i got initially back in 2011 and it broke so.... i gave up on fixing it). I cant wait to try it but im having a blush crush with launch away so... im gonna wait :)


Well-known member
nope! it's lunar and galaxy. :)

I dunno but i dont like the eye look. I think that's what it is. Me and dark blue shadows JUST DONT GO TOGETHER :/ I took heroine off (first thing i remove when im removing my make up) and I didnt like it even without heroine. It might not be the lippie but I feel that either a pin up or a matte smokey with nehru or just a smoked out liner with 2 coats of mascara might work better.

What happens when u hate dark blue????? I can't like it!

I got the blue flame MES, I got blue sheen MES, I got Lunar..... Just to "collect" and it turns out I cant werq it!
IT is pretty on you, but I totally understand how you feel about blue. I collect and don't wear them either.


Well-known member
BTW I got pink cult again (I depotted the one i got initially back in 2011 and it broke so.... i gave up on fixing it). I cant wait to try it but im having a blush crush with launch away so... im gonna wait :)
I am not listening to you about that dang Launch Away!


Well-known member
Can you swatch it please? Tx
I'm out of town for a few days working, and I don't have this duo with me... So Sorry!

But here is T's link to swatches and reviews of these duos. Her swatches of Duo 3 are pretty good. Although, I personally think their pigmentation is even better than they come across on her swatches. HTH! If you still want me to swatch for you, I'd be happy to when I get back into town early next week.


Well-known member
I bought heroine on a whim, and finally tried it on this weekend. I just got it a few weeks ago, but it is also gorgeous. reminds me a lil of the very first Mac lipstick I bought and wore to Prom. AWWW LOL


Well-known member
I'm out of town for a few days working, and I don't have this duo with me... So Sorry!

But here is T's link to swatches and reviews of these duos. Her swatches of Duo 3 are pretty good. Although, I personally think their pigmentation is even better than they come across on her swatches. HTH! If you still want me to swatch for you, I'd be happy to when I get back into town early next week.
It looks ok, not convincing though; maybe I should leave it to that ( i feel like i have something similar with the first color and the second is not something i wear often)