MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
Yes, thank you! :)
That's great you got the duo and like it so much! I've been eyeing it for a while, but there were just so many thingsin tthis collection that I wanted! I just finally ordered resort and hyacinth...I was ordering a pro palette, so I figured I'd round out my order!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PeachTwist
Yes, thank you! :)
I do! I'm sure it was you who recommended it.. I just love it.
Oh you really should get it! It's so gorgeous. The lighter colour is just beautiful. It's ... I don't know I can't explain it. It's kind of like a ... light silver/purple type thing with rainbow glitter ... I'm going off of memory so it's probably butchered but ugh, it's so gorgeous and pigmented!

Don't tell me that, it sounds incredible! I just wouldn't use the teal though :(