Am I seeing what I think I am seeing? The highlighter thing looks like it is an EDSF?
I have a feeling this is going to be a huge haul for me. Between this and Selena I'm going to be broke! Lol
I am thinking the same. I probably will only get 2 lippies from Selena but this collection looks like it will be a massive haul for me. For this year so far I have only been buying a couple things here and there.
I haven't completely spun out of control,but I've done pretty well I think in only getting 2 or 3 items from a collection. I've kept it at about 17 LE items (mainly lipsticks) total from all the collections that have launched so far this year. So not great self control, but better than some years past! LOL!
*I forgot my UD Alice haul! That was a big one. Lol*
Lol! I skipped on alot of collections. I only bought a couple lipsticks from Fashion Pack and a couple MSFs from the Future Mac and Skin Finish Extension. I did, however, buy a lot of permanent stuff (went a bit blush crazy) within the last couple months.
I see the colour story is out now but the 3 fantastic powders and pressed pigments are apparently exclusive to north america ??? I hope that wont be the case, lots of us will miss out
Was just coming on to update the first post lol thank you
Here is where the color story is from, plus pictures