MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
I've only returned one thing to mac and that was my foundation, it was still brand new and not even used and i returned it the next day .. i dunno thats what the MA told me maybe she got confused who knows it happened like 3 years ago


Active member
Bold & Brazen is exactly like Expensive Pink!!! I swatch it on white paper, it looked exactly the same!! Smoke and Diamond and Top hat are gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Julie5
I rturned one thing an I didnt end up using it an the MA said too bad we cant sell it that we have to throw it away. I was soooo sad cause I didnt even use it!!

Each store must do it differently. My store said they put it in a basket for the MA's to take.

And they said that they cannot take pots without pans any longer. She did have a good point in saying that B2M is a thank you for USING the products, not just buying them. Glad I did not depot any recently. Now if I can figure out how to store pots without forgetting about them!

BUT...I did get a few things.

Mink & Sable
Smoke & Diamonds
Top Hat
Shade fluidline
Silverstroke fluidline
Macroviolet fluidline


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I still have Mystery and Orpheus from last year - they belong to my fave liners!

Finally some love for Mystery! It's the only one I've sharpened 4 times. I gotta get me a backup! Can't wait for fall so I can get those rimmed eyes going again, especialy w/ the Heatherette Trio...

I wish they'd do one with a violet pearl to it. I don't know how much it would show but I'd buy it in a heartbeat! They should seriously just make these permanent... along with Starflash..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
You should NEVER feel bad about going hog wild with make up!!!

No, but I DO feel like a lunatic!

I've been watching this thread since page one, and the suspense of seeing Smoke and Diamonds, and Tophat, up close and personal is making me go spare! Just. Three. More. Days.

I'm worried my expectations will be too great for the poor products!

rocking chick

Well-known member
My Starflash final list had finally been decided.

Top Hat
Grand Entrance
Mink & Sable
Smokes & Diamonds
Mystery kohl power
- still deciding if I should get Talent Pool, as my Parrot is still intact. And I doubt it will be as pretty as Parrot.


Well-known member
When does the collection go on the MAC US site? I can't wait to order my new e/s.

What are possible dupes for the e/s? I am thinking of getting...

Sunset B
Talent Pool
Smoke & Diamands
Top Hat or Star by Night

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I am very excited about Starflash. Thanks for all the thoughts on the Kohl Powers. I will not get them since I have a problem with eye pencils smudging all over so they are most likely to smudge on me too though I don't have oily lids.
I have decided to get these e/s:
Sunset B.
Talent Pool
Smoke & Diamonds
And if I really like them, I will get the rest later on:
Top Hat
Grand Entrance and/or Mink & Sable
That's 6 or 7 of them!


Well-known member
Anyone who is anxious to purchase...the individual colors are available in the eyeshadow section or you can find them by typnig the names into the search box, So they are available now!

Same goes for the lustretwins


Well-known member
Im just about to get smoke & diamonds, that was always going to be THE one but now have decided on Go as well, cant decide about Grand Entrance

Can anyone compare feline kohl power with smolder? I have so many eyeliners but no plain blacks!


Well-known member
UGH! The more swatches and pictures I see, the more of these I am considering. Now I think I am adding Dreammaker and Sunset B to the list! I am anxious to see these in person. Is it Thursday yet?


Well-known member
Just ordered my Feline, Orpheus and Raven liners. Then later on it's B2M for the eye shadows. Woot! I have about 2 dozen pots and misc produts to B2M for these. I may pick up another Feline too. Best black eyeliner MAC ever put out.
oh and my free shipping code for those ordering online: CS91LIVECHAT


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mamadelovesmac
Each store must do it differently. My store said they put it in a basket for the MA's to take......

Way against MAC policy and pretty much looked at as theft. Not to mention that it's quite unsafe.


Well-known member
Oh, I was sooooo good
I only got 3, Glamour Check, Bold & Brazen & Smoke & diamonds. Can't wait for Cult of Cherry & Red She Said $$$


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Oh, I was sooooo good
I only got 3, Glamour Check, Bold & Brazen & Smoke & diamonds. Can't wait for Cult of Cherry & Red She Said $$$

But... will you stick to it? Its only the 1st day to order...........


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