Well-known member
So I picked up lemon chiffon, sweet thing and another Perfect Topping today. I went over to my counter just for Perfect Topping b/c I wasn't quite satisfied with the amount (or lack thereof) of lavender veining in mine. When I pre-ordered, I asked my MA to pull me the one with the most lavender, but when I got it, I was sorely disappointed. It had like two teeny stripes and that was it. After seeing Tish's, I was super bitter (hehe) towards my Perfect Topping and so I figured I'd go back and see if I could get a backup with great lavender. Well, they only had 2 left, but one of them happened to have 3x more lavender than mine so that made me a happy camper!
It's really quite silly b/c when swatching the lavender, it just appears pale pink, so it's not gonna give me purple cheeks but oh well!
Oh and lemon chiffon is quite pretty upon a second look! It's like bright blinding white, hehe. I was surprised that all the shadesticks were s/o at my counter 'cept for lemon chiffon, of which they had like 20 left! They had 2 butternuttys left but that was all.
And Sweet Thing is well, very pretty too
Ok I'm done w/ sugarsweet!
Oh and lemon chiffon is quite pretty upon a second look! It's like bright blinding white, hehe. I was surprised that all the shadesticks were s/o at my counter 'cept for lemon chiffon, of which they had like 20 left! They had 2 butternuttys left but that was all.
And Sweet Thing is well, very pretty too