I will be right there with you...
If seductive intent is anything like revenge is sweet, I'm getting two... I just got hot thinking about it. LOL RIS is such an awesome color, and I think a sleeper hit from VVillians.
After reading about these lipsticks I think I can officially skip the lippies from Glamour Daze.
Mac is going to MAKE you love Carbon, if it is the last thing they do DAMMIT! ~stomps foot, drops mic, hair flip, and walks off stage~ LOL...
Is uncoventional the lavender Liba loves? I wonder if I need it if I got the one from Quite Cute?
I have been reading about makeup trends this upcoming season, kind of like a glamorous goth, with great skin. I can't wait to play. Glad my job doesn't have a strict dress code or anything.