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mac "TEAL" e/s look!!!!


Active member

Things u will need:

  • Painterly Paint Pot​
  • Delft Paint Pot​
  • Mutiny Pigment​
  • Strike A Pose e/s​
  • Plumage e/s​
  • Phloof! or vanilla e/s​
Step 1: apply Painterly on lid from crease to brow

Step 2: apply Delft on lid up to above crease(under Painterly)

Step 3: w/ 239 pat Mutiny on lid ,bring up to just above crease(over Delft)

Step 4: w/ 217 apply Strike A Pose on outer 1/3 of lid, lightly!

Step 5: w/ 217 apply Strike A Pose in outer v & up into crease (keep it dark)

Step 6: w/ 217 apply Plumage in outer v to darken

Step 7: w/ 224 apply Phloof! or Vanilla under brow(highlight)

Step 8: w/219 apply Phloof! to tearduct area

Step 9: w/219 apply plumage to bottom lash line

Step 10: liner & mascara and your done Beautiful!!!​


Well-known member
Ummmm, is this to answer someone's thread? If not then you are in the wrong forum; try the tutorial forum.
Could you include pictures too?

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