MAC telephone interview stage (UK)


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new here and have a few questions I hope some of you can answer for me.
I had a telephone interview last friday for a position for MAC and was successful, and now I have to wait to hear from the area manager, but not sure if he/she will contact me via phone or post to arrange a face to face interview?

Now I have heard MA's are not allowed to touch the clients face when doing an application, but how do you apply say a moisturizer to the client? Do you use the foundation brush? Seems like a silly question I know but I have done some work for Dior and they all use their fingers to apply skincare.

Also, do MA's apply a concealer before foundation or after? I ask because I usually will apply a concealer under the eyes first, then apply foundation, and will apply a bit of concealer to cover and blemishes on other parts of the face.

Again sorry if I sound dumb lol, just really want to get everything in order for the interview


Well-known member
just so you know, you may not hear from your area manager, i passed the telephone interview with a breeze and never heard anything. It all depends on who else phones up and on experience etc.
but good luck anyways =)

im sure most people have used foundation brushes to apply moisturizer etc. in their demo


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
just so you know, you may not hear from your area manager, i passed the telephone interview with a breeze and never heard anything. It all depends on who else phones up and on experience etc.
but good luck anyways =)

im sure most people have used foundation brushes to apply moisturizer etc. in their demo

same thing happened to me


New member
Woah thats not good if they don't even acknowledge you. Had you both never worked for a cosmetic company before or something?


Well-known member
i never worked for a cosmetic company before or anything but the girl on the phone seemed impressed with my answers and what i knew about MAC, but there would of been lots of other people applying aswell


Well-known member
for the record this happens a lot, i never heard back either, so i rang the counter directly and got a demo straight away, the recruitment line are a bit funny sometimes weve told people to apply and had to chase them up about it, at the end of the day if you want the position, go through recruitment but then chase it up, its worth it!


New member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i never worked for a cosmetic company before or anything but the girl on the phone seemed impressed with my answers and what i knew about MAC, but there would of been lots of other people applying aswell

hello what questions did they ask on your interview???x


Hi there, I have started working with MAC products for the past year and have slowly began to collect MAC products. I am still quite new to a lot of MAC products. I just wanted some help as I have passed my telephone interview with MAC and have been called for an interview with them on Monday. Do you know what I should apply first and what products to use for day look and what products to use for a night time look??. Thanx.............