I haven't tried lots of the MAC stuff, mostly use their eye shadows because the stuff is hard to get here! There are 3 Mecca stores in Perth and only one carries MAC (or maybe the one in Claremont carries a limited supply, but still) the same with DJ/Myers. There is practically one at every damn mall BUT only the one downtown carries MAC and then you have to park, fight the crowds and fight all the teenagers to get to the counter AND they still won't have half the things that are on display. You look, find what you want and the MA says "oh, we are all out of that in MAC but it is just the same as ____ Stila or _____ Nars". If I wanted Stila (not near the pigment as MAC, thanks) or Nars, I would have gone to a Mecca close to home!! What is up with that!
I haven't found a mascara or foundation by MAC that I like. I do like the black cap perfume and Turquatic is good for summertime, I think. I mostly order online so I rely on sites like this and swatches!! I can't wait to move back to the US and have access to real MAC stores and Sephora and such!
Wow, there are a lot of exclamation points in there.