MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by January
Sooo... one swipe one my Marine Life and all my overspray was gone! Haha, I wasn't expecting it to come off that easily...

Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
Oh haha I had read that it came off like in 2 or 3 swipes.. guess not :p

So do you like it? Can't wait to get mine!!

Originally Posted by shontay07108
The gold overspray on mine still isn't gone yet.

Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
Really?? thats weird! Have you used it a lot?

There's still overspray on mine where I didn't touch yet, but where I or my brush touched it came off so easily.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
Oh haha I had read that it came off like in 2 or 3 swipes.. guess not :p

So do you like it? Can't wait to get mine!!

I just tried it on quickly when I got home from work and I really like it! I'm pretty fair (NW15/20... more 15 right now haha). I'm excited to wear it tomorrow!

I was surprised because I read the overspray takes a couple swipes to come off, and mine was gone in one!


Active member
I haven't actually used my Marine Life yet but once the overspray is gone I plan on using my Goldspill MSF on top of Marine Life to try and get the same effect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by January
Sooo... one swipe one my Marine Life and all my overspray was gone! Haha, I wasn't expecting it to come off that easily...

Same with mine. I was wondering how others made it last so long. I kinda liked the overspray, eventhough it only last max 2 uses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
Really?? thats weird! Have you used it a lot?

I've used it at least half a dozen times. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I've used it at least half a dozen times. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

That is so cute.

Does anyone know the product which gives the effect similar to overspray?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peachsuns
So sorry that this happened. It's a very unfortunate situation, and this is not fair for customers. You ordered ML online when it was available, and probably didn't buy it at the store, then you received a package without ML.
Hope you'll be able to buy it from someone with a fair price.

This scares me. Is there any US girl who had similar situation? Did you all receive ML with your packaging?

nah I didn't buy it in-store. I am trying on ebay now, not expecting to actually win since I am not about to pay an arm and leg for it.


Well-known member
I'm still trying to resist Temperature Rising. Opinions on this one? I refuse to get Beachbound or anything similar to it, but I am totally willing to sheer TR out and wear it with a gloss. Any ladies with pigmented lips try this and like it?

(Basically I'm just looking for someone to push me a TINY bit towards TR so I have someone to blame when I finally hit the 'submit' button on the mac site :p )


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
I'm still trying to resist Temperature Rising. Opinions on this one? I refuse to get Beachbound or anything similar to it, but I am totally willing to sheer TR out and wear it with a gloss. Any ladies with pigmented lips try this and like it?

(Basically I'm just looking for someone to push me a TINY bit towards TR so I have someone to blame when I finally hit the 'submit' button on the mac site :p )

blame me! i'm in love w/ it.

i sheer it out by putting chapstick on then filling in w/ that, i used it on my upper lid as a liner w/ firecracker/blanc type the other day.... its great w/ soft lust and flurry of fun or just flurry of fun. or just alone.

ya i'm obsessed, what of it


Well-known member
Temperature Rising was very pretty at the store. I tried on my hand, but not on my lips. Have you tried it on your lips? If you did, and you liked it, go for it.


Well-known member
^I did try it at the store, and really liked it all over the lip (sheered out, just brought down from the outer liplines) with FoF... And I have a feeling it'll look HOT with Thrills, too (which I have worn lke every day since buying it :p)

I'm going to check the Macy's on State Street for TR tomorrow before class... if they don't have it, I'm putting in an order.

(Thanks ladies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RayannaBanana
My Get-Away bronze blush will be here tomorrow!

^ Yay!!!

My package will arrive tomorrow, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
^I did try it at the store, and really liked it all over the lip (sheered out, just brought down from the outer liplines) with FoF... And I have a feeling it'll look HOT with Thrills, too (which I have worn lke every day since buying it :p)

I'm going to check the Macy's on State Street for TR tomorrow before class... if they don't have it, I'm putting in an order.

(Thanks ladies

So, you really like it.
Then, you should get it. Happy for ya!


Well-known member
Wow, Hipness and Marine Life aren't even on the Canadian MAC site anymore!

Am I the only one who didn't get either one of those?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
I called and they do have quite a few ML left, but I was told that they do not ship.

whoever told you they don't told you incorrectly. mishawaka is a macy's location, and i work at another macy's counter in IN. all macy's locations ship cosmetics for $4.95. i'd try calling them again and hope you talk to someone else. good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by riotlove
ok here's the pictures of what the girl did on me(i have a headache therefor would rather do this than clean
) i know it was sweet and punchy but i'm not sure if it was humid/sand and sun too or what! the lips were some pink l/s from the perm line(didn't see it before she put it away) and easy lounger... meh. i changed it cuz it wore off after i ate
so in this picture it's probably just flurry of fun over my rubbed off lips(i played w/ temp rising, vivacious and vegas volt, bf said too bright


and here is the marine life porn i promised. as well as my items(less my marine life) too!

hopefully these pictures don't post huge, it says they're under the posting limit, if not i'll tweak em again!

you look beautiful! the colours really suit you and even compliment your hair!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
you look beautiful! the colours really suit you and even compliment your hair!

aww thanks! i used to wear bitter religiously and i have overgrown and another one of those brights(not rated r or sharp though) and so i was super excited for this one.

hopefully sometime soon i'll get to go out and then i can do my makeup again! i am kicking myself for not taking pictures this weekend of the other looks i did w/ firecracker!

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