MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Re: Lustre Drops

Since it is a liquid, i think it would be better to mix with your foundation for a dewy look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sss215
Is it me, or does anyone else feel like Firecracker is not really veluxe pearl-y. I mean, it does not feel or look like the other veluxe pearls AT ALL! the color payoff is different... feels more satin.

I thought that about Love Lace eyeshadow. I don't have Firecracker but it just goes to show that all veluxe pearls aren't created equal.

I just checked out Ebay and there are 138 listings for Marine Life!!! I've never seen the likes of it before!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *JJ*
went back for splashing. need to stop going back...

I did the exact same thing yesterday! I have to stop going back, too. Only thing is Temperature Rising is calling me now! The power of TTB is not helping me.


Well-known member
i dunno if it was mentioned butpro discount is now available on for those of you.

i need to get sand and sun before the store sells out. bummer that i can't seem to find more empties for b2m haha. also need beach bound and lazy day. bummerrrr

i need to get the 130(or 131 can't remember which) for the cream bronzer. the 187 is just too floppy.


Well-known member
Did anyone else get Get-Away Bronze? It kind of reminds me of Sunbasque when I put it on today. It's not as frosty as I thought it would be either and very pigmented so a little goes a long way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by riotlove

i need to get the 130(or 131 can't remember which) for the cream bronzer. the 187 is just too floppy.

The 130 is the round, dense one.


Active member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
Lauren (LC, formerly known as baci) posted an awesome To the Beach look on her blog. Lauren Clark - LC makeup blog - fotd44 I'm sure it's in the FOTDs section as well, since she usually posts them in both places. Check it out.

gorgeous, damn now I want beachbound!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RayannaBanana
Did anyone else get Get-Away Bronze? It kind of reminds me of Sunbasque when I put it on today. It's not as frosty as I thought it would be either and very pigmented so a little goes a long way.

I thought so too. I started to post before that they were similar but then when I looked at them side by side in the pan, I didn't think so. But Get Away Bronze looks a bit rosy on me. It is not a flat brown.

I added more To The Beach stuff this weekend: Easy Lounger lipgloss and a backup of Thrills lipstick. I think I'm done. Well, I must be done because I don't think there is anything left for me to buy. Keep the color combos coming.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I got my scond To The Beach package today! I hauled 3 times from this collection!! Eeeek!

I got this tinme round: Life's A Breeze lip pencil, Splashing lipglass, Float on By and the bronzing oil

I also got chatterbox lipstick. Love it

I really like Splashing Lipglass and Lifes's A Breeze L/P, they are so beautiful with LAZY DAY lipstick
Also got Chatterbox lipstick last weekend, and so happy to have it

I am wondering now, if I need Temperature Rising L/P or not??


Well-known member
I have yet to open my Marine Life because I have been thinking of letting someone else have it because they missed out
. Its sitting on my vanity


Active member
I picked up:

Float on by (love)
Sweet and punchy (love)
Marine life (haven't used it yet it is TOO cute!)
Opulash haven't tried it

I feel like Sweet and punchy is pearlier? then Firecracker. I wish Firecracker was more like sweet and punchy in that way.

I really would like to have splashing but I am trying to behave and buy no more makeup till Fab Felines.


Well-known member
Well. I guess the ebay market for Marine Life is saturated. You can get one for around 40$. I randomly bid on one and won it. Not sure how I feel about that, but a bid is a bid and a contract is a contract.


Well-known member
I remember someone asked about temperature rising on pigmented lips. Here ya go
Pls excuse my horrid looking face i just got home and re-applied to take the picture. Temprising + just some clear lipgloss. Oh and marine life on the cheeks
*its just really bright pretty orange I have a yellow light in my room so it might look red to some people? idk. hth



Well-known member
Originally Posted by mtrimier
Well. I guess the ebay market for Marine Life is saturated. You can get one for around 40$. I randomly bid on one and won it. Not sure how I feel about that, but a bid is a bid and a contract is a contract.

Dang. If I would known that you wanted one, I could have sold you one. I have two extras that I'm about to put up for sale for the original price.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nelly711
Dang. If I would known that you wanted one, I could have sold you one. I have two extras that I'm about to put up for sale for the original price.

I was on the fence about it, but bid just to see what would happen. Thanks for the offer, though! I'm sure yours will be snapped up by happy ladies (i like to say laaay deeez) here!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I got my scond To The Beach package today! I hauled 3 times from this collection!! Eeeek!

I got this tinme round: Life's A Breeze lip pencil, Splashing lipglass, Float on By and the bronzing oil

I also got chatterbox lipstick. Love it

Thats great! I LOVE Chatterbox!

Enjoy your goodies


Well-known member
I really need to stop reading the blogs and this thread...I'm going to go get Float on By tomorrow. Sheeesh. I have Flurry of Fun on the way from the MAC website along with Coral Crepe pp because I'm having trouble with both Sun & Sand and Firecracker lasting or when I put it on it's not vibrant enough over Painterly. Can't wait to try it out when it gets here.

I'm like so pooped out because of this To The Beach collection. I was a nervous person for the past two onto Stereo Rose. EEEEEEEK!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass

I'm like so pooped out because of this To The Beach collection. I was a nervous person for the past two onto Stereo Rose. EEEEEEEK!

Yeah it's like MAC continuously makes our hearts racing with anticipation and our wallet drained


Well-known member
this def wasn't my favorite but i was hurrying and blech. plus i took em driving. it's sweet and punchy, firecracker, swimming and flurry of fun on lips. last one is a pic of me now when i've been wearing it all day w/ my glasses on and not caring at all :/ oh and no lips so you can see how pigmented my lips usually are.





my face isn't working w/ me today but i was wearing weekend cream bronzer and marine life... of course the sun and what not washed it out in the pictures though and in the last pic i just look like hell. meh

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