MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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i have to say although i wasn't too excited about this collection at first, it is now my favourite one so far (this year)!


Active member
I keep thinking that there's probably a NYX orange lipliner out there that I can settle for instead of getting Temperature Rising. I have so many packages coming that the guys at the front desk are probably gonna get sick of me LOL plus I don't want this to be one of those purchases I use for a couple of weeks and then forget... not to mention I should save up for the MAC warehouse sale

So what do you think ladies - put in a third order for TR or just find a cheapie version that'll last me through the summer and will work with Morange l/s?


Well-known member
YW foxxylatina07 . I am going to part with my other one that I got for myself that I didnt even take out of the box either. I really don't need it that bad and I'll find something else another day. I'd rather see someone that really wants it have it
I have two people in line....just waiting to hear back from one person then they're both gone! Thanks for the compliments on the m/u
. Now I want to go back and get Float on By!!

And thanks to Camnagem now I need to get Temperature Rising!! Darn've been hanging around the Queen Enabler! LOL. I know she's secretly having enabler classes via the internet


Well-known member
Man I can't believe I missed out on Hipness
Oh well I guess I'm gonna have to wait a bit and call GBNF. Sux not living in the city anymore I could've gotten all the things I wanted


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foxxylatina07
Man I can't believe I missed out on Hipness
Oh well I guess I'm gonna have to wait a bit and call GBNF. Sux not living in the city anymore I could've gotten all the things I wanted

I completely understand. I missed out on both Marine Life and Hipness. Total heartbreak. I hope you were able to get your hands on some of the other things you wanted at least.


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Originally Posted by mikri75
I am wearing it today under buzz l/g, fabulous. I love it!!!

I never would have thought to do this. I love Buzz, and adding TR under it will probably just make it even better and more summery...

I don't think I've ever been so enamored with a collection. I loved Style Black too, but this one really just stole my heart
(and wallet)


Well-known member
I really love this collection too and I don't even have it
Maybe that's why? But nope...I'd rather have my items from TTB than any others I'm looking at during the summer collections.
I'm also more excited over this collection than those released this year. I knew what I wanted as soon as it was released online, rather than still thinking for awhile like all recent collections.


Well-known member
yay i'm doing a swap for some empties so hopefully that'll get here soon and i can go get sand and sun or lazy day... hmmm if i could find 3 more i can get both! ooooooh man i need to stop emptying my things into other things hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
Coral Crepe Paint Pot as a base for Firecracker really makes that color pop
As for Undercurrent v.s Float On By....Undercurrent has that shimmer is it and I find it to be more on the green side where float on by is more teal minus the glitter, I love them both

i am going to try coral crepe with firecracker. it needs some POP! thanks!


Well-known member
I think I've fallen in love with Lazy Day... it's the perfect light pink on me. Not too girly or retro... just a cool, light pink.
I'm resisting getting a back-up since I never use my back-ups...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meryl
I think I've fallen in love with Lazy Day... it's the perfect light pink on me. Not too girly or retro... just a cool, light pink.
I'm resisting getting a back-up since I never use my back-ups...

If you do plan on backing it up, you better hurry. It was already sold out at a few counters in TO.

Hay Mich

Well-known member
Where has it sold out? I usually go to the Fairview Bay MAC so I hope they still have it there next week!


Well-known member
I have one extra ML left if anyone is looking for one. Cost plus shipping. I just sold 1 to another lovely from here, so pm me if your are interested.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
Coral Crepe Paint Pot as a base for Firecracker really makes that color pop
As for Undercurrent v.s Float On By....Undercurrent has that shimmer is it and I find it to be more on the green side where float on by is more teal minus the glitter, I love them both

When I saw Firecracker in person I loved it. Got home and rocked it that weekend and wasn't happy with on top of did nothing for the eyeshadow. I then ordered Coral Crepe and I'm waiting for it...I want to put Firecracker and Sun & Sand over that. Currently having some issues with Sun & Sand, but that's another story.


Well-known member
I got 3 of my 4 packages today!

The first one contained Marine Life. It's so beautiful! I'm so glad I got it, because even when you ignore the hype/design etc, it's a magnificent product. I passed on hipness, so I am glad I have something bright and coral for my cheeks this summer.

My other 2 packages (from the website) contained:

Get Away Bronze
Float on By
Temperature Rising
Flurry of Fun

I love ALL of them! I wore TR and Flurry of Fun together and absolutely loved it. I thought TR suited my colouring very well (NW25). I wore this lip tonight to see my boyfriend and one of the first things he said was 'your lips look nice'.
I am going to be wearing this a lot this summer when I am going for a bronzed look. I thought it looked more red orange than just straight up orange.

Get-Away Bronze is amazing. I used the 187 brush to apply it all over my cheekbones and blended into the temples. Then, I topped off my cheeks with Marine Life. Looked stunning with the above mentioned lip combo.

For my eyes I just added some gold (Flip, Nylon) with some red (Coppering) and lined with Float on By. The pencil was very easy to work with and did not smudge on me, which is quite a feat because I have beyond oily lids (paint pots crease on me within hours). To be fair, though, I only wore it for about 5 hours. I really like this pencil too and plan to play around with it some more.

I also bought Sweet and Punchy and Life's a Breeze in store. Both are great. So far I am loving this collection. I haven't been this into a collection since Magic, Mirth and Mischief (love holiday themes). I also have Lazy Day and Splashing coming to me by mail on Friday.

I am now considering the rest of the eye shadows (sans Humid, only because I already own it). I figure, I only really go crazy a couple of times a year with a collection, and this one is just right for me! I have some extra money, so why not? I was getting worried for a moment that I was loosing interest in MAC/makeup!

Oh and thanks for the great swatches you guys! I am so excited to get my Lazy Day!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
I received my CP's today!! Yaaay! Thanks so much to flaminbird (Michelle) and murflegirl (Vickie) for doing this great favor to me

I got for my mom Temperature Rising l/l on oh my! Its gorgeous! She loves it! I tried it on as a base for Flurry of fun and its amazing! Everyone should have this 2 products its a gorgeous combination.
Flurry of fun its incredible. I am in LOVE with it. I haven't seen anything like it, so I bought one from a girl who was selling her backup so now I will have 2! yaay
The Marine Life powder its simply beautiful. That's all I have to say haha My mom saw mine and now wants one for her! I am trying to find one at retail since her birthday is coming but I don't want to pay ebay prices. I hope I have some luck

So glad to help you out Annita! If we weren't sold out here I'd CP you another Marine Life!!!


Well-known member
I'm excited, only 2 more days until I get my Marine Life and Flurry of Fun
I even had a terrible dream last night that I opened my package and it wasn't ML but a weird powder

I keep dreaming about make up, it's driving me crazy


Well-known member
Well, I got my Lazy Day and Flurry of Fun Back ups. I was quite worried my Lazy Day would be a Lazy puddle of melted lipstick.. Lovely Texas heat almost 100 today.

but after letting it cool off, it was fine. And Beeyootiful on!
The tone puts me in mind of one of my favorite colors from the 80's, minus the blinding amount of frost. It was from Avon.... ah, memories

I am glad I got this one.

I swear, I have had more fun with makeup the last week with my TTB goodies.


Well-known member
After all the talk about Temperature Rising and Flurry of Fun on top, I ordered it online and it should be here on Friday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
I called as soon as I saw the post and talked with "Jenna", she took all my info and and said the 2 ML will be shipped out via UPS tomorrow morning. They had 4 before my call so I would call back
I work at MAC at a Macy's location here in Honolulu...yes Macy's will ship.
Good Luck

jenna is good people!

Originally Posted by sss215
Is it me, or does anyone else feel like Firecracker is not really veluxe pearl-y. I mean, it does not feel or look like the other veluxe pearls AT ALL! the color payoff is different... feels more satin.

i think its pretty VP. it sure breaks like a VP tho!

Originally Posted by RayannaBanana
Did anyone else get Get-Away Bronze? It kind of reminds me of Sunbasque when I put it on today. It's not as frosty as I thought it would be either and very pigmented so a little goes a long way.

we haven't sold a single one at my counter yet.

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