MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Rio, Lust and EE(swatched single orange, brown and combined)
I love EE on you! And Lust


Well-known member
...awesome haul, highheels!


Gorgeous pic, Pretty Kitty, as always - that blush looks amazing on you... and now I "need" that lippie too!

Well I don't post often, but I feel as though I need to "confess" to my haulage on this collection because I am feeling kinda guilty... I went from not wanting much to buying almost everything (justifying it all as 'early birthday' presents to myself). Ugh (but yay!). Here goes:

159 Brush
Rio x2 (I'm NW20 and looove this - I'm sorry to hear that some people are having trouble with it; it's got such a gorgeous pinky sheen on me)
Adored x2
Time to Tango
Bossa Blue/Brown
Dare to Bare
Devine Choice
Lady at Play
Ablaze liner

And I LOVE it all.

Keep the all the amazing pics coming - enjoy your day, gals and guys!


Well-known member
I hope you are feeling better soon, lilinah

When i tested Lust and Rio MSFs, i found both work as blushes on me. I'm not as pale as some of you, but i'm between 15 & 20, with a neutral skin tone.

I haven't tried them on at home yet - i've got a stupid summer cold and not feeling like dolling myself up. Fortunately, it seems to be going away pretty quickly

That means i should be fine for my camping trip next week. I'm leaving on the afternoon of 3rd, arriving on site on the morning of the 4th, and home on Monday the 8th. We'll spend most of the time cooking from medieval recipes over a real wood charcoal fire (none of those silly pressed charcoal powder briquets) in reproduction medieval cookware with at least a dozen other medieval cooks. I'll be test cooking some recipes from a mid-15th c. Ottoman cookbook that i recently translated. We eat using reproduction medieval dishes and sleep in reproduction medieval tents. Very comfortable. The event as a whole has between 1,000 and 1,500 attendees, and has been held for around 30 years.


Well, no one needs them all, but i think you could wear them all but one. BLUSH: Definitely skip Exotic Ember. I think its basic orange and brown would not look right on your cool toned skin. Sweet Samba and Simmer would be wearable; Simmer is warm rose, so warmer than Sweet Samba, and has a gold sheen. So Sweet Samba is probably better for your skintone, since it has a cool pink as its base; but it needs a light hand in application, in my opinion, since the pink is pretty strong. I got one with more beige to tone it down, but i'm lighter than you are. MSF: Adored is a pale, slightly cool peach, so it might be wearable, although it could be a little obviously pearly on you. Lust and Rio are definitely possibilities, although based on how they looked on me (Neutral, bet 15-20), Rio seemed cooler toned. Both have a peachy glint that warms up a cool skin tone, but is not dominant. So i'd vote for Lust for you. Testing would really be the best way, if that's possible for you.
Thanks. I will definitely take your advice and test them in store!


Well-known member
Lust &Rio work as blushes on me as well. I don't mind the sheen on my cheeks, though.

I hope you feel better in time for your event, lilinah! It sounds like an awesome experience!
Gorgeous pic, Pretty Kitty, as always - that blush looks amazing on you... and now I "need" that lippie too!

Well I don't post often, but I feel as though I need to "confess" to my haulage on this collection because I am feeling kinda guilty... I went from not wanting much to buying almost everything (justifying it all as 'early birthday' presents to myself). Ugh (but yay!). Here goes:

159 Brush
Rio x2 (I'm NW20 and looove this - I'm sorry to hear that some people are having trouble with it; it's got such a gorgeous pinky sheen on me)
Adored x2
Time to Tango
Bossa Blue/Brown
Dare to Bare
Devine Choice
Lady at Play
Ablaze liner

And I LOVE it all.

Keep the all the amazing pics coming - enjoy your day, gals and guys!


Well-known member
I can't make up my mind on what of these to wear today. I want to wear them all....but that might not be a good look.
I always wear at least 3 MSF colors at once. Just place them differently and use one of the darker ones (Metal Rock or Earthshine) for contour.

It really looks great- just have to be careful not to over apply and blend well.


Well-known member
*giggles* That sounds like SO much fun!

I have had that miserable cough plaguing me for a week now. It is leaving soon whether it likes it or not. May your situation clear up too- and quickly!

When i tested Lust and Rio MSFs, i found both work as blushes on me. I'm not as pale as some of you, but i'm between 15 & 20, with a neutral skin tone.

I haven't tried them on at home yet - i've got a stupid summer cold and not feeling like dolling myself up. Fortunately, it seems to be going away pretty quickly

That means i should be fine for my camping trip next week. I'm leaving on the afternoon of 3rd, arriving on site on the morning of the 4th, and home on Monday the 8th. We'll spend most of the time cooking from medieval recipes over a real wood charcoal fire (none of those silly pressed charcoal powder briquets) in reproduction medieval cookware with at least a dozen other medieval cooks. I'll be test cooking some recipes from a mid-15th c. Ottoman cookbook that i recently translated. We eat using reproduction medieval dishes and sleep in reproduction medieval tents. Very comfortable. The event as a whole has between 1,000 and 1,500 attendees, and has been held for around 30 years.


Well-known member
@PrettyKitty... Super Gorgeous as usual girl! SO glad I have a SS coming from my lovie Shellcat! Whooohoooo!

Holy Pigmented Pink Power! The blushes are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Sweet Samba is awesome - I LOVE it. If you can get only 1 blush, get this one. Rio softly high up the cheekbones over SS is

The glorious golden shade on the other half of Simmer - gorgeous, gorgeous as an eyeshadow! Love the blush side. Its fresh cheeks in a pan. Just use it like it has A LOT of calories in it - sparingly!

The 159 brush is a must have also. It works so much better with the MSF. It also makes using one color without the other in the pan so much easier. The 131 has much longer bristles, whereas the 159 has this wonderful little soft curved duo fiber top. I want like 100 of them...ok, maybe a few more.
You have me SOOOOOoooooo excited to get my blushes! My sweetie Shellcat picked them up for me yesterday since they aren't coming up on the MAC website! She grabbed me SS and Simmer! I cannot wait to play! Shell was raving about the gold in Simmer too! You ladies are TEMPTRESSES!


Well-known member
Here's Sweet Samba on me, more pics and review are on my blog! (link is in my signature) I know I used too much blush lolll, that thing is pigmented like crazzzyyyy!! I look so tired on these pics, probably because I am? look at that lazy eye. loll
Gorgeous as always! And i think you have just the right amount of blush on. I see a lot of people who don't wear enough blush, and look like they've been embalmed, they have so little colour in their face.
Anyone have the 131 brush and the 159? I wonder if I need the 159 since I own the 131.
I posted pics yesterday of both brushes. It's like comparing the 224 and 217. Different size and density makes them two completely different brushes.


Well-known member
@PrettyKitty... Super Gorgeous as usual girl! SO glad I have a SS coming from my lovie Shellcat! Whooohoooo!

What a wonderful memory you have with your daughter Audrey C! Congrats to her AND you!! I'm sure it's been a great journey together! You must be very proud!
She's a lucky girl to have such a loving mother... Post a pic of her look if you can... it sounds beautiful!

OH how pretty! You will definitely need a BU of Narcissus!

You have me SOOOOOoooooo excited to get my blushes! My sweetie Shellcat picked them up for me yesterday since they aren't coming up on the MAC website! She grabbed me SS and Simmer! I cannot wait to play! Shell was raving about the gold in Simmer too! You ladies are TEMPTRESSES!
Thanks! Very tempted to!


Well-known member
Thanks! Very tempted to!
If you have the funds DO IT! I only got 1 the first time it was released then had to go crazy finding my BU's after I realized how special it was. THAT was a nightmare... Trust me. There's not as much product in the CSG's so you can definitely justify a BU. If I could only have 1 lip product forever... it would be Narcissus! THAT'S how much I love it! And it really is very beautiful on you sweetie!

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