MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Regarding the 159 brush... I had my Macy's MAC girl tell me tonight that it's LE! Why is it sooooo hard to get a consistent answer on this??? I don't want to grab more if it's perm but don't want to miss getting more if it's not! How in the world do we get the right answer?

I personally think making brushes LE is ridiculous anyways! I understand DC a brush if you replace it with a better version that does the same job, but LE brushes!? I am soooo tired of hearing how great the 131 is and not being able to get it! If a brush serves a useful purpose (which is the reason it was created anyways right?) then make them PERM!!! Or don't tease us with them at all! I don't see the point in a LE brush.

Ana A

Well-known member
just an FYI I also have dubble def. MSF n I don't really use it alot .love nars albatros .. im a freak for nars.. lol but at the Mac counter the blush called Margin.. it is off the chain beautiful jlo glow sheen I that is my go to higlight out of every kinda highlight out on the market. Swatch it next time u go! Good luck
Wow thank you! I'm new to mac blushes and I was actually looking for shades that would work...I googled Margin just now and you're right, me like! :)....


Well-known member
Walked in to do swatches today and left with Fever Isle (perfect everyday coral color), Simmer :eyelove: (LOVE) and Sweet samba. (I'm sorry about the lighting. The sun is going down) Simmer (Top to bottom: Swirled, lighter color, darker color)
Sweet samba (Top to bottom: Swirled, darker color, lighter color)
sweet samba looks amazing on your skin tone! you rock the purples girl !


Well-known member
Regarding the 159 brush... I had my Macy's MAC girl tell me tonight that it's LE! Why is it sooooo hard to get a consistent answer on this??? I don't want to grab more if it's perm but don't want to miss getting more if it's not! How in the world do we get the right answer?

I personally think making brushes LE is ridiculous anyways! I understand DC a brush if you replace it with a better version that does the same job, but LE brushes!? I am soooo tired of hearing how great the 131 is and not being able to get it! If a brush serves a useful purpose (which is the reason it was created anyways right?) then make them PERM!!! Or don't tease us with them at all! I don't see the point in a LE brush.


Well-known member
I'm ashamed I haven't worn my FMP yet! But if it's helping you resist MM I better go grab it tomorrow! You look fantabulous!
Awwww...thank you! I hadn't worn mine either (except for the initial swatch) until this week. It definitely made it easier to skip MM because I fell madly in love with FMP lol.


Well-known member
Regarding the 159 brush... I had my Macy's MAC girl tell me tonight that it's LE! Why is it sooooo hard to get a consistent answer on this??? I don't want to grab more if it's perm but don't want to miss getting more if it's not! How in the world do we get the right answer?

I personally think making brushes LE is ridiculous anyways! I understand DC a brush if you replace it with a better version that does the same job, but LE brushes!? I am soooo tired of hearing how great the 131 is and not being able to get it! If a brush serves a useful purpose (which is the reason it was created anyways right?) then make them PERM!!! Or don't tease us with them at all! I don't see the point in a LE brush.
I 100% agree with you. I don't see the point in it. I hate hearing about brushes that were LE. If it's good enough for them to release at all it should just be an addition to their line.

I hate knowing something I really like is only LE. It makes me want to hoard the product.

I'm really hoping it's permanent. I want to get another one whether it's perm or not, though! Did your MAC girl tell you why she thought or knew it was LE?


Well-known member
Can someone please explain to me why I thought not buying a heroine lip pencil was a good idea?? ugh at me.


Well-known member
I 100% agree with you. I don't see the point in it. I hate hearing about brushes that were LE. If it's good enough for them to release at all it should just be an addition to their line.

I hate knowing something I really like is only LE. It makes me want to hoard the product.

I'm really hoping it's permanent. I want to get another one whether it's perm or not, though! Did your MAC girl tell you why she thought or knew it was LE?
I asked and she didn't hesitate with her answer! She always seems pretty knowledgeable when I go in there and ask her questions. She was assisting another customer at the time, so I didn't harp on her about it. I just find it odd that there is so much conflicting info out there about a brush... It seems like it should be very cut and dry. UGH! Frustrated!


Well-known member
went to Macy's and got lady at play since I had to get MM from nordies. Done with this collection!!
I love Lady at Play---picked it up when the MLSs first launched. I wore it three times this week. It's like Ablaze in the mineralize formula. It will look stunning on you Naughtyp!


Well-known member
Wow thank you! I'm new to mac blushes and I was actually looking for shades that would work...I googled Margin just now and you're right, me like! :)....
I love, love, love Margin.
Whenever I feel a look needs that extra little something to make it just right, I reach for Margin. It also fab on the apples of the cheeks. I hope they never discontinue that color! Go, Team Margin!


Well-known member
....I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have the funds DO IT! I only got 1 the first time it was released then had to go crazy finding my BU's after I realized how special it was. THAT was a nightmare... Trust me. There's not as much product in the CSG's so you can definitely justify a BU. If I could only have 1 lip product forever... it would be Narcissus! THAT'S how much I love it! And it really is very beautiful on you sweetie!


Well-known member
What a great haul, Icecaramellatte

Have fun playing with your goodies

I went to the Mac store yesterday morning. I didn't quite make it to the opening (I was dead tired) but pretty close to it. There were a few people in there but not looking at the display which I figured. It is funny this store runs out of stuff pretty fast but I never really see tons of people in there on launch day. I can only figure that many people come on their lunch break as opposed to me who either comes when they open if I'm off or late afternoon.

I bought more than I thought I would.

I bought:

  • Sweet Samba MB
  • Simmer MB
  • Exotic Ember MB
  • Time to Tango MES
  • Caribbean MES
  • Tropica MES
  • Fever Isle CSG
  • Adored MSF
  • Lust MSF
  • Rio MSF
  • 159 brush

I forgot to get Ablaze lipliner so I went to another Mac store this morning and bought:

  • Ablaze
  • Have to Have It BU
  • Sweet Pop nail polish

I was bad and bought all 3 MSFs because they looked so different in different lighting. One in particular looked very pink metallic duochromey when I went to a different part of the store but I couldn't remember which MSF I put on that part of my hand. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Rio though.

I didn't play much with my stuff yet. I did play with Sweet Samba last night so this morning I wanted to use Exotic Ember. Exotic Ember swatched orange on my hand and did look like anything I owned so I was eager to try this on the cheeks. This morning I put it on - orange on one cheek but I must have picked up too much brown on the other cheek and they did not match at all. I did have time to fix it so I took it all off and went with another color. I will try it again later.

I went to Saks today to buy other makeup and got compliments on my makeup application and eye color at two different counters. It was so weird. It was like the morning meeting said "compliment the customers on application and eye color today." I was quite surprised because I went fairly simple today. Maybe the products speak for themselves. I wore Time to Tango on the lids, Sweet Samba MB with Rio MSF and Astral lipgloss.

I hope I don't go back for anything else. I still kind of have Bossa Blue on the mind mostly because I love bronzy colors and I don't have a bronze MES that color. So Bossa Blue is a maybe.

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