MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Just took this not too long ago. Here are swatches of "Lust" with other MSF's I own. From top to bottom: "Light Year," "Porcelain Pink," "Lust," "Stereo Rose," "Shape The Future" (mixed), "Shape The Future" (darker side) and "Shape The Future" (lighter side).

Awesome swatches!


Well-known member
I searched through all they had in the drawer, because i wanted more beige and less hot pink, so mine is about 2/3 beige. To tell the truth, though, most were pretty evenly divided, kinda half and half with swirls of each color creeping into the other. I didn't see any zebras...
Yea my zebra one is giving me a really hard time figuring out how to wear it... Its too brown for a blush since I am wicked pale... But too pink for a contour or bronzing effect.... may become an eyeshadow for me


Well-known member
....that is a very pretty Rio!

One brown part, one pink part and one mixed part....perfect



Well-known member
Im thinking of getting ablaze and h&h too, are those a must have?
I'm BU Ablaze b/c I think the color is unique and I wear the lipstick quite a bit. Most liners in this color range tend to run more red. First time ever backing up a liner.


Well-known member
...pretty, honey on boost!

Your Rio does also have a part of each -> pink,brown and mixed

My mini haul and a full size of Naked (thanks to you all in the riri thread) I had a sample that was running low. The blushes should be here this week. I used adored and the 159 yesterday for a wedding and it was just perfect! Thinking about getting a backup of adored.



Well-known member
Beautiful HOB-----ENJOY!!
My mini haul and a full size of Naked (thanks to you all in the riri thread) I had a sample that was running low. The blushes should be here this week. I used adored and the 159 yesterday for a wedding and it was just perfect! Thinking about getting a backup of adored.



Well-known member
so pretty!!! Your arm is swatch heaven!!
Just took this not too long ago. Here are swatches of "Lust" with other MSF's I own. From top to bottom: "Light Year," "Porcelain Pink," "Lust," "Stereo Rose," "Shape The Future" (mixed), "Shape The Future" (darker side) and "Shape The Future" (lighter side).



Well-known member
maybe I just suck at life. I haven't had this problem with cha cha cha
It likely varies by person. I know I've never been able to use the 239 for MES, not even the more buttery ones.

I had always used one of the Sonia Kashuk brushes from Target with mine, and recently started using the fatter, fluffier ES brush in the Real Techniques eye kit. They both work well for me, wet or dry. I wore Tropica dry again on Monday, this time without a primer. It's not super pigmented that way, but I could still get a wash of color and the duochrome effect with the RT brush. I sweep then pat with either of those brushes.

I am going to try my new 224 soon and see how that does.


Well-known member
I'm considering getting two of Adored - one champagney one for highlighting, and one mostly coral one for blush... I blame Erine, she's made it sound so wonderful!!


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me if Rio is comparable to So Ceylon MSF? It seems quite a bit lighter, but maybe one with more brown than pink? I tried it at the counter and while it was pretty, I wasn't completely sold on it for me. Now I'm second guessing if it was the lighting... I think I just want to walk away from this collection with at least one MSF, I love them so! I lost So Ceylon many years ago, but it was one of my fave MSFs. I'm definitely getting Exotic Ember and Sweet Samba after swatching, but still waffling over Bossa Blue. Already picked up Heroine ll and Narcissus (so tempted to get a BU, but I have MP so I think I'll survive).


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me if Rio is comparable to So Ceylon MSF? It seems quite a bit lighter, but maybe one with more brown than pink? I tried it at the counter and while it was pretty, I wasn't completely sold on it for me. Now I'm second guessing if it was the lighting... I think I just want to walk away from this collection with at least one MSF, I love them so! I lost So Ceylon many years ago, but it was one of my fave MSFs. I'm definitely getting Exotic Ember and Sweet Samba after swatching, but still waffling over Bossa Blue. Already picked up Heroine ll and Narcissus (so tempted to get a BU, but I have MP so I think I'll survive).
I'm waiting for a So Ceylon that I just got from the clearance bin. I'll get Rio on saturday when the collection is released here and once So Ceylon is here I can compare them, but that could take some time.


Well-known member
Thanks so much Pinkdollface! I know I loved So Ceylon, and I'm sure you will too. If Rio is even remotely similar, I have to have it!


Well-known member
My Simmer finally came in from Nordstrom! Can't believe the Mac website still doesn't have the blush thing sorted. I can't wait to put this on later! I kind of wish mine had more swirls/stripes to it but that's ok lol


Well-known member
So Tropical Taboo appeared on the Belgian MACsite today, and the names of the blushes are wrong
There's a swatch of Sweet Samba next to Simmer and a swatch of Simmer next to Sweet Samba. What a surprise lol


Well-known member
Just a FYI Simmer seems to ge going fast at the counters. I know one counter that had only one left and another with two. If you are planning on getting Simmer blush don't sleep on it as it doesn't appear as though it will hang around for a long while!


Well-known member
Do you find a noticeable difference between the two?
imo narcissus is creamier which I love my favorite is cremesheens its looks pinker on me then heroine.herione is a deeper purple and I love that so one I like for the feel on my lips (narcissus)and heroine I love for the color lets put it like this if I could have two heroine I would just not of brought narcissus lol hope this helps

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