MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Of all of the items that I recently purchased, the only thing that I've test driven is the Naked Deep Dark Pigment---not even in this collection. Side eye at you Erine
My Naked Dark arrives tomorrow.

pretty things for a pretty lady


Well-known member
Thank you for posting these swatches! They all look gorgeous!

I feel that the MSFs this time round are pretty frosty, Have to use a very light hand with them. For my rio, I asked to select one that has an obvious seperation of the pink and brown so I can use it as both a contour and highlight as well XD



Well-known member
great ladies! u all made me want Rio, Adored and the brush!! too bad i cant afford any of it right now lol! i have them in my basket tho.....
this is ridic i don't even wear skin finishes! lol i just love ice cream and they both look so yummy!


Hello ladies all these beautiful swatches of simmer had me out in this 110 degree weather chasing after it lol as soon as I got home I put it on and I looooooove it!!!!! I just love this site lol!! Now all this talk about naked dark and naked deep dark is making me want them lol Thanks ladies for all the wonderful info posted on here!! You all know more than the majority of the MUA in stores and CS lol today in store I asked if they had naked dark and deep dark and the lady looked at me like I had five heads. :shock:


Well-known member
Hello ladies all these beautiful swatches of simmer had me out in this 110 degree weather chasing after it lol as soon as I got home I put it on and I looooooove it!!!!! I just love this site lol!! Now all this talk about naked dark and naked deep dark is making me want them lol Thanks ladies for all the wonderful info posted on here!! You all know more than the majority of the MUA in stores and CS lol today in store I asked if they had naked dark and deep dark and the lady looked at me like I had five heads. :shock:
They are both MAC Pro colors so depending on the store you went to (if it was just a MAC counter) they may not carry it. That might be the reason for the look lol


Well-known member
Idk.. They are so different lol! Lust has noticeable glitter and is a little darker. Blonde has no glitter, but gives an equally pretty glow! :) love them both!


Well-known member
great ladies! u all made me want Rio, Adored and the brush!! too bad i cant afford any of it right now lol! i have them in my basket tho.....
this is ridic i don't even wear skin finishes! lol i just love ice cream and they both look so yummy!
Yeah i know, I have quite a number of skinfinishes, And I RARELY use them except for lightscapade which is my HG highlighter. Same like U I buy them, beocz they jus look so yummy in the pot XD


Well-known member
I went MSF swatching for this collection today. i now understand the awesomeness that is LUST! it's so pretty!
(Top to bottom: Rio, Adorned, Lust and EE)


Well-known member
Hi guys,
I usually never buy MSF's but i saw Adored at the Mac store today and it looked so yummy and couldn't resist picking it up. The problem is ive never used MSFs before and i don't know how to use it or what to do with it. Help?

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