MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Hmmm...I just may add Heroine liner to the list. Problem is I'm not really a fan of MAC's lip pencil formula. Pulls and drags.


Well-known member
Mineralize lipsticks are $22 without tax in the US
This is what made me take midnight mambo off my list. I'd rather not. I still haven't gotten a Mineralize Lipstick and don't plan to soon, although I do hear they are very comfortable on the lips.


Well-known member
Ugh! I just can't bring myself to spend $22 on it just because it's "mineralized" when I love the $15 lipsticks so much. At least that will save me some $ on this collection!
Yup, as soon as I saw that these were the lipsticks for this collection I knew it was an immediate skip. Never paying $22 for MAC lipstick.


Well-known member
Yup, as soon as I saw that these were the lipsticks for this collection I knew it was an immediate skip. Never paying $22 for MAC lipstick.
In my best George Bush voice..."Not gonna do it"

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'll get a couple of CSG for this summer (have to finish last year's by then) and the brush. Nothing else. I have a bazillion highlighters already, I don't like MES and I certainly don't need anymore blush. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)


Well-known member
MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (July 4[SUP]th[/SUP], 2013)
Cremesheen Glass
Calypso Beat –Pale neutral pink​
Mineralize Blush
Sweet Samba –Dark pink with tan pearlized pigments​
Mineralize Skinfinish
Lust – Pale pink with cranberry​
pearlized pigments​
Mineralize Eyeshadow
Dare to Bare – Light cream with gold pearlized pigments​
Carribean –Rose with pink and red pearlized pigments​
Cha-Cha-Cha – Deep blue green with green pearlized pigments​
Time to Tango- Lavendar with silver pearlized pigments​
Just max. 7 things to me.


Well-known member
Mineralize and ED is where my weakness lies. If I stop backing up stuff I am sure I will be hauling real good here!!! This theme is chanting, Come to Jamaica, island gal, lol


Well-known member
(special thanks to a friend for this info!)​
MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (July 4[SUP]th[/SUP], 2013)
Mineralize Lipsticks
Lady at Play – Mid-tone cool tangerine​
Divine Choice – Mid-tone cool pink cream​
Midnight Mambo –Intense violet​
Luxe Naturale – Light beige cream​
Glamour Era – Mid-tone warm brown frost​
Cremesheen Glass
Calypso Beat –Pale neutral pink​
Fever Isle – Bright red coral​
Japanese Spring - Pale mid-tone pink​
Narcissus – Mid-tone eggplant​
Lip Pencil
Hip ‘n’ Happy – Mid-tone blue pink​
Have to Have It – Soft warm beige​
Heroine – Bright purple​
Ablaze – Bright apricot​
Tropica - Silver blue with purple pearlize pigments​
Mineralize Blush
Sweet Samba –Dark pink with tan pearlized pigments​
Exotic Ember – Orange with bronze pearlized pigments​
Simmer- Burnt rose with peach/gold pearlized pigments​
Mineralize Skinfinish
Adored – Coral with light beige​
pearlized pigments​
Rio – Bronze with bright pink p​
earlized pigments​
Lust – Pale pink with cranberry​
pearlized pigments​
Soft ‘n Gentle – Gilded peach bronze​
Gold Deposit – Soft reflective golden bronze​
Mineralize Eyeshadow
Dare to Bare – Light cream with gold pearlized pigments​
Carribean –Rose with pink and red pearlized pigments​
Cha-Cha-Cha – Deep blue green with green pearlized pigments​
Time to Tango- Lavendar with silver pearlized pigments​
Bossa Blue – Royal blue with brown pearlized pigments​
Kohl Power Eye Pencil
Feline – Rich Black​
Orpheus – Intense black with gold pearlized pigments​
187 Brush – Duo fibre face brush​
159 Brush - Duo fibre face brush​
287 Brush - Duo fibre eyeshadow brush​
In Extreme Dimension Lash
159 brush... any ideas?
skipping the shadows... I know the veining will suck me in. y'all just remind me I can't wear them.
blushes--- Liba will probably convince me to try them.
Narcissus x2, I still have a back up, but will buy one for my mom. she needs more color in her life
Calypso-- b/c of the name I really need another pink
fever isle- I'm dreaming of a csg version of hibiscus.

I probably in the minority, but I prefer lipglasses to CSG. I eat through gloss and lipstick, and these don't last long on me at all. they slide right off.

......................see that's all I'm going to do.

They are wrong to heroine and ablaze back so fast, and it is still sold out. LOL

Lipsticks are all perm right?
I know you guys are going to suck me into the skin finishes, but I must say no... Adored sounds adorable. pun kinda intended. If I get one, it will be that one. If it isn't metallic and pore emphasizing. But they break me out. I'll just cross my fingers and hope for the best. I still don't see the purpose of these as anyting other than blush.


Well-known member
UGH, just calculated the price of my wish list...$235 + tax. Not good. I'm sure stuff will come off the list once swatches show up though.

Oh hey! I just realized that Gold Deposit and Soft 'n' Gentle are perm. Can anyone who has those tell us what they're like and possibly provide pics and swatches?


Well-known member
UGH, just calculated the price of my wish list...$235 + tax. Not good. I'm sure stuff will come off the list once swatches show up though.

Oh hey! I just realized that Gold Deposit and Soft 'n' Gentle are perm. Can anyone who has those tell us what they're like and possibly provide pics and swatches?
there's 100s if not 1000s of photos of soft and gentle if you just google image "MAC soft and gentle" . it is a pretty popular highlighter


Well-known member
I was thinking that the top pic in the back could be the promo pic for this.

I'm not sure. I can turn it on, but it won't do much more than that. Maybe it's just a virus, but it's pretty old too. I have to let someone take a look at it I guess. I borrowed someone else's for now, but I can't keep it forlong, and typing on my phone is a pain, so if I'm gone from Specktra for a while, you know why, lol. I hope it can get fixed, I didn't save any money for a worst case scenario like that. Not very smart, I know.
Awww I'm so sorry...

I was so lost when my was stolen.


Well-known member
I'm so excited, I've been wondering about the summer mineralized collection. Definitely getting Adored!

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