MAC Wages and Training UK


New member
Hey everyone I know its been asked a lot before and you can't really discuss what you earn in specifics but I'm curious if I might ask for a range?

I'm applying for a supervisor position with MAC in one of the central London's Flagship stores. I have over 8 years of retail and make-up experience and have worked within the Estee Lauder brand. Id say I am in a good position to ask for a high pay rate the thing is...every interview (especially with the Lauder brand) I've had they always ask..."So what would you expect to get paid" its such a loaded question. I have NO idea what to ask for or what to expect but I definitely don't want to sell my experience short. Does anyone have any advice or know of a range that one could expect in the position for this location? I've devised a range and could you please let me know where you think a supervisor role would fit in? Thank you sooo much anyone who might be able to give me any advice

A) £10-11/hour
B) £12-14/hour
C) £15 +
(I'm not sure of this range because other jobs I've had have always had commission which if that's not included would result in a high hourly rate no? Just a thought)

Also I'm really excited about this training school has anyone done it in London? Where would it be and how long is it here in the UK? Thanks heaps!!