MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member

The first half of my haul came today! Hipness, Tumble Dry and Washeteria. omg, I love the packaging so much. I was kinda iffy on it from pics, but it is so pretty in person! Surprisingly heavy (imo). Hipness is LOVE. I like TD, but would have loved it in a different finish. Still glad I got it though. Is it bad I kinda want to order more now just for the packaging?


Well-known member
The first half of my haul came today! Hipness, Tumble Dry and Washeteria. omg, I love the packaging so much. I was kinda iffy on it from pics, but it is so pretty in person! Surprisingly heavy (imo). Hipness is LOVE. I like TD, but would have loved it in a different finish. Still glad I got it though. Is it bad I kinda want to order more now just for the packaging?
I ordered more just for the packaging lol.

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
It may take a while for it to show up. I noticed the last couple of times I ordered something my order didn't show up until after it shipped. Ebates has to get the information from the merchant first and then it's listed on your account and they'll send you an email.
Sometimes you never get it at all. I have several things that I used Ebates for, got my packages weeks ago and still never got the cash back listed on my account.


Well-known member
Sometimes you never get it at all. I have several things that I used Ebates for, got my packages weeks ago and still never got the cash back listed on my account.
If that happens, you can enter your order number information on the ebates website (I can't find where right now, I'm so sleepy my brain won't work, but I've done it a few times) and it will link it up and give you the credit.


Well-known member
I'm in the middle of a move, so I haven't been present, but I'm so so sorry for your loss. We buried our 14 year old pug today. The whole family broke down together. We lost our pug and my sisters German shepherd both in the last two months, and then going out to our little graveyard just brought back memories of everyone we've lost. My two cats who died in an accidental fire, my border collie who died when I was out of the country for a month, my mom was crying for the little pug Lu Kai who she had as a teenager.... It never gets easier that they're gone, and the people who don't understand never will until they get the chance to open their hearts and experience all that love. My thoughts are with you, and we know exactly what you're going through having just lost little puggy yesterday. It was her time though, we rescued her from being euthanized six years ago, and she lived the happiest life... Okay, now I'm crying. Gotta go back to makeup.
Thanks, Laura. It is so hard I keep thinking I need to get her food, get her medicine ready (she needed thyroid meds daily), etc. it's worse when I first wake up because she liked to lay on me and get lots of attention then. I know that she had a good life with me, I found her in the middle of a busy Atlanta road at rush hour when she was only 1 pound. I already had a 3 year old cat but I had to rescue her. My other cat also lived to be 18, so they had a long life together. It never gets easier when you have to let one go. I held both of them when they were put to sleep, but with Scully I couldn't let her go. She was a little cat so she always looked like a kitten. But I think it's important to know when their quality of life won't be there anymore and let them go. If you feel the need, this site is really great:


Well-known member
Thanks, Laura. It is so hard I keep thinking I need to get her food, get her medicine ready (she needed thyroid meds daily), etc. it's worse when I first wake up because she liked to lay on me and get lots of attention then. I know that she had a good life with me, I found her in the middle of a busy Atlanta road at rush hour when she was only 1 pound. I already had a 3 year old cat but I had to rescue her. My other cat also lived to be 18, so they had a long life together. It never gets easier when you have to let one go. I held both of them when they were put to sleep, but with Scully I couldn't let her go. She was a little cat so she always looked like a kitten. But I think it's important to know when their quality of life won't be there anymore and let them go. If you feel the need, this site is really great:
I'm sorry for your loss. I've never been a pet person. Mainly because my parents never were, I discovered I was allergic a long time ago (mainly cats, dander) and I was bitten by a dog as a child (still have a dog phobia). But I used to have a coworker when I was in college/university who was studying to be a vet and she had me read her Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul book and I bawled/sobbed at most of the stories and began to understand that bond and companionship. I couldn't relate or understand it before that. My good friend lost her cat a few weeks ago and she and her Mom were a mess. I think she was 15yrs old. Even though I sneezed like crazy, basically avoided her because of that and then cussed when I had cat hair on my clothes when I left, the next time I go to my friends house and I don't see her, it will be weird and sad :(


Well-known member
Uugghhh, I have a miserable cold. It's hard to sleep since I can't breathe! So I'm just laying in bed thinking of my sweet kitty and surfing this site and watching TV. Ill get my black boxes tomorrow but I don't know if I'll be up for doing swatches. So PLEASE, all of you swatch away so I have something to look at. I want to see all of your pretty things while I cough myself to death and cry about my kitty.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Okay, totally off subject, but look who just visited me to eat fallen magnolias....
Can you see her under my magnolia tree? I couldn't get to my camera phone fast enough and missed the baby. It still had spots and looked like Bambi!!!
That is so cool. The most my back garden has seen are squirrels, the odd fox and too many cats to count (including my cat)


Well-known member
Thanks, Laura. It is so hard I keep thinking I need to get her food, get her medicine ready (she needed thyroid meds daily), etc. it's worse when I first wake up because she liked to lay on me and get lots of attention then. I know that she had a good life with me, I found her in the middle of a busy Atlanta road at rush hour when she was only 1 pound. I already had a 3 year old cat but I had to rescue her. My other cat also lived to be 18, so they had a long life together. It never gets easier when you have to let one go. I held both of them when they were put to sleep, but with Scully I couldn't let her go. She was a little cat so she always looked like a kitten. But I think it's important to know when their quality of life won't be there anymore and let them go. If you feel the need, this site is really great:
I'm sorry for your loss. I've never been a pet person. Mainly because my parents never were, I discovered I was allergic a long time ago (mainly cats, dander) and I was bitten by a dog as a child (still have a dog phobia). But I used to have a coworker when I was in college/university who was studying to be a vet and she had me read her Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul book and I bawled/sobbed at most of the stories and began to understand that bond and companionship. I couldn't relate or understand it before that. My good friend lost her cat a few weeks ago and she and her Mom were a mess. I think she was 15yrs old. Even though I sneezed like crazy, basically avoided her because of that and then cussed when I had cat hair on my clothes when I left, the next time I go to my friends house and I don't see her, it will be weird and sad :(
I am allergic to cats, too, but I wanted one so much I decided to suffer for it. And of course the first one I found was a long-haired, beautiful big gray cat. When I worked a lot I loved them, but I didn't spend too much time with them. But when I was out of a job I really got to know each cat and we really bonded. I did anything I could for "my girls", as I called them. Me and the girls moved out to Cali from ATL, just the 3 of us. Didn't know a soul there. You never feel alone when you have a pet.


Well-known member
Wearing Morange today :eyelove: I do have it in the original packaging.... couldn't say no to this one!
Omg! Do I need this?! I have to admit, I sometimes fall for items because it pops a lot more on the fair-skinned ladies and doesn't look the same on darker or a WOC... Not bad, just different...

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Wearing Morange today :eyelove: I do have it in the original packaging.... couldn't say no to this one!
Looks wicked on you, Nat. That's why I picked up Morange in the first place, that packaging . I know I'll make use of my Morange for the solstice and whatever festivals I decide to hit during the summer

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