MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


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It's funny, they are doing exactly what they did last year with AA. They told everyone the in store release is Thursday, then they go and release it a day early because of that Nordstrom sale.


Well-known member
Edit, sorry I was rushing to a Sephora Highlighting and Contouring class earlier! Wash and Dry is at MAC Time Sq. The sa said they released a day early and even they weren't expecting that. I went swatch crazy! Edit: I put the names on this one:
Girl on Board is nice. I was wondering about it. I may have to get it and Morange! Freshen Up is nice even without the overspray (didn't see it with since it was gone by the time I got there after work.
Refined Golden I'm getting and even the darker in the Sculptor one works on my skin tone. They are under the liner swatches but you can't see them. Edit: close ups
The light/goldish one is a bit troublesome.
SH is gorrrgggggg


Well-known member
For anyone that picked up any of the studio sculpt bronzers, whats the verdict on them? Im debating picking one up tomorrow but not sure 
I got Golden Rinse and I love it, it's not pulling orange for me and I'm NC25. I got the 125 for it because I didn't really have a brush I thought would work well for it. I used my Shu Uemura #18 brush to try it out, but it's just too small so I'm glad I got the 125. I just got it a little bit ago so I haven't washed it yet, but I'm excited to try it.


Well-known member
Are you getting anything hun?
Caught Tumble Dry on the MAC site and awaiting Hipness, CDN and Freshen Up from Nordies on Friday. Still tempted to get a bronzer just for the compact but resisting. Already have Morange in plain package untouched so resisting that too. Steam Heat could end up being another of too many reds so didn't get that. What are you getting?


Well-known member
Wash and Dry is at MAC Time Sq. I went swatch crazy!
All lipglasses, CDN, Morange and SH lipsticks, FU next to the light lipglass. All liners. Top left us Green Clean. Refined Golden I'm getting and even the darker in the Sculptor one works on my skin tone.
What do you think of GC now? I like the liners and Morange! I feel ok skipping GC


Well-known member
OMG you crack me up! Love it! I need your bank account, you're haulin' like daily! :rofl: :p
I wish I had the bank account my itchy trigger finger thinks I have! Haha
:rofl: Thaaaaanks! UPS was saying I'd get my FU next Tuesday but it shipped from CT and it's now in Edgewood, NY, 1.5hrs away. Unless someone is delivering it by walking backwards from there to Brooklyn, I don't see why it should take that long.
Tricycle? I heard they're really cutting back on their expenses.
Go to your room young lady!!!!! The room with all your makeup :haha: :D Enjoy it dear! :frenz:
Gladly!! I have one final haul coming and it's huge!! I really hope my fiancé isn't home when it gets here because it's going to be a monster Sephora box.


Well-known member
Gah! I really should not buy anything else but Hot/Cold is really calling to me. So is Domestic Diva now that all of you ladies are posting swatches!


Well-known member
This arrived from MAC today, separate from my W&D orders. I was surprised to see it on MAC and happy to get it since I missed the AA collection last year. I like the color, though I think the plummy brown gold color is more suited to a fall collection. And I hope it's still fresh since it is from last year's collection!


Well-known member
Got my order of Hipness and Morange yesterday, and so far, so good. I'm debating on whether or not I should go to the mall and check out Steam Heat... I just can't leave it alone!


Well-known member
I may or may not have picked up FU from Nordies!!
Here I was thinking I was safe strolling past the counter on a wednesday!!


Well-known member
wow, that AA is like an urban legend of how great it was.   thats good you was able to pick up something from the collection!
I just checked and it's still on MAC if you need it. I came across it by accident yesterday, along with stuff from Cinderella that was restocked. I posted here, on the Cinderella thread and on the old AA thread so people would know. The Cinderella stuff is mostly gone now I think, but the AA Lipglass is still there.

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