MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
I came here to confess that I bought Steam Heat, Tumble Dry, Domestic Diva, Girl on Board, Hot/Cold, AND both brushes when I just knew I was skipping. I unsubscribed from the thread and everything! I walked by the MAC counter at Nordstrom and was like uhhhh, yeah, I need this. Smh.
We empathize with you. I am proud to say that this collection was a total skip for me. The shades were either too light or orange for me.


Well-known member
I'm really happy with FU. I've already worn it probably 5 times. Still loving it without the overspray. Like someone else said, there is still a pretty sheen after the overspray is gone, it's not like a flat matte finish.


Well-known member
I'm really happy with FU. I've already worn it probably 5 times. Still loving it without the overspray. Like someone else said, there is still a pretty sheen after the overspray is gone, it's not like a flat matte finish.
Yes! I picked up a back up yesterday. This going to be my summer blush/highlighter.


Well-known member
Hey lovelies! Sorry I've been away, work has been taken my life lately. Everyone looks lovely in all thier goodies! I just ordered a 4th thing from this, Tumble Dry. Did I need it? But don't want skippers remorse either lol. Figured I'd jump on it before it sells out again.


Well-known member
My Pro store is having their event this weekend. They always have cute setups:


Well-known member
I hope everyone has been enjoying they're goodies!! I have been obsessed with this collection and have been using it everyday since it arrived. My favs are crisp whites, tumble dry, and the brushes. I have also been loving CDN! I had no idea what I was missing out on. Today I wore crisp whites and I must say I'm in love with this blush :love:


Well-known member
I hope everyone has been enjoying they're goodies!! I have been obsessed with this collection and have been using it everyday since it arrived. My favs are crisp whites, tumble dry, and the brushes. I have also been loving CDN! I had no idea what I was missing out on. Today I wore crisp whites and I must say I'm in love with this blush :love:


Well-known member
I'm really happy with FU. I've already worn it probably 5 times. Still loving it without the overspray. Like someone else said, there is still a pretty sheen after the overspray is gone, it's not like a flat matte finish.

Me too! The overspray is nothing new. FU looks lovely with GR (wearing them today with SH).

Quote: Originally Posted by squirtlesquad54

I hope everyone has been enjoying they're goodies!! I have been obsessed with this collection and have been using it everyday since it arrived. My favs are crisp whites, tumble dry, and the brushes. I have also been loving CDN! I had no idea what I was missing out on. Today I wore crisp whites and I must say I'm in love with this blush

Love it, too!


Well-known member
Maybe it's just in my head, but even though my overspray is gone, there's still this pretty golden sheen when I apply it lightly like a highlighter. I use the brush from MIB.
I tried it again this morning then ended up putting LM Indiscretion on top. I think I'm going to return it. I really don't need at $35 blush.


Well-known member
Yeah, so Fruit Cocktail liner makes TD, KO Riot House and NYX Orange Soda look alike (the latter two are practically dupes). I'm so done. :sigh:  (thank goodness they are all different finishes :haha: ) Riot House NYX Orange Soda TD
Fruit Cocktail didn't work for me at all.


Well-known member
I totally agree....I'm just leaving Nordstroms and returned FU. Talked to the MA and she said a lot of people have expressed disappointment in MAC's decision to only have it as an overspray. She said people felt decieved.
Aside from FU, I'm in love with everything else I bought from this collection! I'm wearing Hipness again today. It's so gorg!


Well-known member
FC looks great on you though!
I won't lie, it's definitely chalkyish. I have to blend it out a bit. But it goes with a lot of my peachy/coral shades and I have a lot. I put it on today with Sushi Kiss then took it off, I think it's SK...I don't like how it looked after not even a minute of wearing it, it started to shift or something. WTF??

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