MAC - We Wish You Would Make This Collection (Someday Soon!)


Well-known member
Another one I've thought of is video games. That's kind of broad, so the options would be infinite lol but so many games have such vibrant worlds I think they would translate well to a make up collection
I could only imagine how cool a video game collection could be, it would definitely be something I'd like to see one of these days.


Well-known member
This could be amazing and I am with Richelle on a lippy based off that starling!
How would you all like another bird collection? Like the Apfel one but with different colors. I don't know how many lipsticks they could do but I'll bet there could be some really nice bold shadows.

For those not scared of and are able to wear red shadows, what about one the color of a red cardinal?

Heck, that could be a lipstick too. So what if MAC already has Scarlet Ibis, and Lady Danger. LOL.

Or how about a Raven e/s that's a deep black but has deep purple/blue undertones?

Or a pretty greyish blue e/s like the Blue Jay?

Or how about an e/s OR lipstick in the shade of an amethyst starling?


Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
I could only imagine how cool a video game collection could be, it would definitely be something I'd like to see one of these days.
A World of Warcraft collection would be great. Especially since I already get a lot of inspiration for my makeup combos from there.


Well-known member
I want another Mega Metal eyeshadow collection. Peacocky II?

I also want VV2 like everyone else.


Specktra Bestie
I want another Mega Metal eyeshadow collection. Peacocky II?

I also want VV2 like everyone else.
I'm mystified that Mac introduced the pressed pigments and prolongwear eye shadows and made them permanent, but never revisited these. And that's not to say anything bad about either the PLW shadows or the PPs. It's just that the MegaMetals received a lot of love and were never heard from again.


Specktra Bestie
I love the birds idea- seems like they're an infinite source of colour (although Rouge Bunny Rouge already use bird names for all their shadows).

This is about the geekiest thing I've ever written in my entire life, but I would love to see a "chemistry" collection- or series of collections, since it could be huge- using the names of different periodic table, with the colours "inspired" by the elements themselves. Some of the elements would be harder to do, but I think it could be an interesting mix... Of course, you'd need to be able to get some periodic-table organiser to store it all in...

Maybe I'm the only one who'd buy it, but hey, it would be beautiful AND educational...

I know, I'm a


Well-known member
OMG! Copperhead!!!! I
birds and a collection with these shades would be to DIE FOR!!!!!

How would you all like another bird collection? Like the Apfel one but with different colors. I don't know how many lipsticks they could do but I'll bet there could be some really nice bold shadows.

For those not scared of and are able to wear red shadows, what about one the color of a red cardinal?

Heck, that could be a lipstick too. So what if MAC already has Scarlet Ibis, and Lady Danger. LOL.

Or how about a Raven e/s that's a deep black but has deep purple/blue undertones?

Or a pretty greyish blue e/s like the Blue Jay?

Or how about an e/s OR lipstick in the shade of an amethyst starling?



Well-known member
Am I the only one who kinda wants a Game of Thrones collection? Maybe a mineralize product to represent the major Houses? xD That way there can be more than one color, since some of them have two colors in their emblem.


Well-known member
Am I the only one who kinda wants a Game of Thrones collection? Maybe a mineralize product to represent the major Houses? xD That way there can be more than one color, since some of them have two colors in their emblem.
*gasp!* No you most certainly ARE NOT the only one who wants it!!!! OMG I would dieeee!!! They could do so much with this! :D


Well-known member
Am I the only one who kinda wants a Game of Thrones collection? Maybe a mineralize product to represent the major Houses? xD That way there can be more than one color, since some of them have two colors in their emblem.
Game of Thrones collection!


Well-known member
I love the birds idea- seems like they're an infinite source of colour (although Rouge Bunny Rouge already use bird names for all their shadows).

This is about the geekiest thing I've ever written in my entire life, but I would love to see a "chemistry" collection- or series of collections, since it could be huge- using the names of different periodic table, with the colours "inspired" by the elements themselves. Some of the elements would be harder to do, but I think it could be an interesting mix... Of course, you'd need to be able to get some periodic-table organiser to store it all in...

Maybe I'm the only one who'd buy it, but hey, it would be beautiful AND educational...

I know, I'm a
If you are then so am I, this would be awesome! Especially the organiser lol!

Speaking of elements, has Mac ever done any around the earth/air/water/fire elements theme? (or the 5 element version - earth/metal/fire/water/wood) That could be pretty cool too!

They really should follow on from the Year of the Snake collection and do a full zodiac - traditional or Chinese would both work.

How about a birthstones collection?

Sooo many things they could do!!


Well-known member
I'd love it if they did some sort of Zodiac collection, though the traditional western one might be difficult to do just because there's twelve signs. The elements one sounds a bit more doable.


Well-known member
I think this would be a great idea, and actually doable if they released one each month. They could be very small collections like 1 lipstick, 1 polish and 1 blush every month. Or maybe they could do a huge collection like Fabulous Felines. I don't think it would be too difficult.


Well-known member

Me too!

I think astrology themes and elemental themes would be awesome. Actually, I'd love to see an elemental theme (4 or 5) constructed like 2010's Spring Colour Forecast, made up of mini collections.
They could actually combine the astrology and elemental themes, as the zodiac signs are each associated with one of the 4 elements. So there could be 4 collections over the course of the year, each made up of 3 or 4 mini collections (the 3 zodiac signs and possibly the element itself):

So Fall collection would be Earth - made up of Earth, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Winter = Water = Water, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Spring = Air = Air, Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Summer = Fire = Fire, Cancer, Leo, Virgo

I'd love to see a powder product imprinted with the sign's symbol as part of each mini collection.


Well-known member
I was watching Willy Wonka just now and couldn't help but think it would make a really fun and kinda whimsical collection.