MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Thank you very much, lilinah :bouquet:
Looks like I'm leaning in Veronica's favor after reading this pre color story, Thankyou! Not much from Betty seems interesting. All of the Veronica glosses look like keepers! I can pass on the pigments, I never use them up, they are messy get all over the place And too much of a risk of dropping..which I've done before a handful of times.


Well-known member
Well, might as well write out my wishlist!

  1. Cream Soda - Light neutral coral satin powder blush
  2. Flatter Me - (peachy) Pearlmatte face powder
  3. Spoiled Rich
    --- Pin-Up Purple - Mid-tone orchid (Frost)
    --- Spoiled Rich - Rich Purple (Frost)
    --- Ron Ron Ron - Deep Navy (Satin)
    --- Gravel - Charcoal (Matte)
  4. Prom Princess - midtone violet pink blush
  5. Veronica's Blush - (pinky) Pearlmatte face powder
  6. Daddy’s Little Girl - mid-tone pink-violet (satin)

I am such a blush whore


Well-known member

Betty's stuff
Cream Soda - Light neutral coral (Satin)

Betty Bright - Light vibrant peach (Satin)
Girl Next Door - Vivid blue pink (Lustre) (If it's similar to VGG1 and Budding Love, then it's a skip)

Kiss & Don't Tell - Bright coral
Summer Sweetheart - Light peach
Stay Sweet - Light lavender pink

Flatter Me - (peachy) Pearlmatte face powder (maybe, I hope there are swatches soon)

Veronica's stuff
Mall Madness - Mid-tone pink violet
Strawberry Malt - Bright Red
Feeling' So Good - Deep blackened plum

Daddy's Little Girl - mid-tone pink-violet (satin)
Ronnie Red - Bright Red (matte) (maybe, depends on the swatches)

Veronica's Blush - (pinky) Pearlmatte face powder

I really narrow down on the lipglosses because I want them all. D:


Well-known member
Making lists now are we?

Here's mine:

Cream Soda
Prom Princess (as long as it's not too similar to Passionately Tempted. The colour description suggests otherwise but you never know)
Veronica's Blush
Flatter Me
Daddy's Little Girl
Boyfriend Stealer (I'd love to see some comparison swatches with YR first, but it's probably different enough)
Mall Madness
Strawberry Malt (I haven't got a red gloss. Shame on me!)

Ronnie Red is a maybe - I have too many reds as it is.
Betty Bright is possible, but I have a feeling it might be similar to Watch Me Simmer and Toxic Tale. In that case, it's a skip
Spoiled Rich - I soooo want to resist this but the colour payoff looked awesome in the BritishBeautyBlogger pics and my willpower is practically nonexistent.

Oh MAC why are you doing this to me?


Well-known member
:wishlist: Betty Cream Soda blush Flatter Me pearlmatte face powder Bright Betty lipstick Kiss & Don't Tell lipglass Summer Sweetheart lipglass Veronica Prom Princess blush Veronica's Blush pearlmatte face powder Ronnie Red lipstick Daddy's Little Girl lipstick Boyfriend Stealer lipstick TOO MUCH :wtf2: I really need swatches to narrow down my list.


Well-known member
I woke up and saw all these lists being mad which made me excited because its soooo close!! I don't want to make a list because I never stick to it but I am most excited about the caramel sundae quad and the pealmatte powders. They look so cute to me. The lipsticks are meh I have so many I'm pretty sure I have something like it but knowing me I won't resist the skip and probably will pick up one, two or three. Betty Bright seems most interesting and unique to me. Oh and of course Cheers my Dear piggie.


Well-known member
wait a sec lol u have the cinderella stuff or u are waiting for the new princess stuff? if so which one is it? lol i got the cinderella mirror and quad , i cant wait to see who is next! i heard it might be Ariel or Jasmine...
I own Cinderella from October's release. But the new princess comes out this spring. The sephora manager doesn't know yet on which princess it will be on. It's rumored that it might be Jasmine or Ariel. Either way I plan to collect all of them. The palette is wonderfully pigmented and blends like a dream.


Well-known member
I wanted to get the Betty Quad but for $44 I think I'll just find dupes in my stash and save the $ for something else. The green piggie will be coming with me as will Mall Madness. That's about it. Maybe once I see everything in store that will change but not likely. I'm not as impressed with this collection anymore. It's okay though. More $ for upcoming collections!


Well-known member
SO B/S is a Creamsheen! ha! I guess maybe im not used to Creamsheens then but i knew after i had it on my lips it was not a lustre. So does that change anybody's list? this lipstick i have grown to like honestly. it's not that bad


Well-known member
I own Cinderella from October's release. But the new princess comes out this spring. The sephora manager doesn't know yet on which princess it will be on. It's rumored that it might be Jasmine or Ariel. Either way I plan to collect all of them. The palette is wonderfully pigmented and blends like a dream.
The rumor I've heard most often is Jasmine, so I hope it's true!!! I've been trying really hard lately not to get sucked in by makeup collections just because of an awesome theme. Disney makes that particularly difficult for me. I'm amazed at myself for passing on Cinderella, but I already have many colors similar to the ones in that eyeshadow palette, including all the gorgeous blues (which I don't even use very often). So I was a good girl and passed. But I've already told my DH that if they come out with a Sleeping Beauty one, I HAVE to have it, with Jasmine and Belle rounding out my three must haves (unless the colors aren't appealing, of course). As soon as anyone finds out anything about the next princess for sure, we need a new thread!!!

And now back to Archie... lol


Well-known member
I almost didn't buy the Cinderella one, because I have so many eye shadows, but I'm really glad I did. It's amazing.
The rumor I've heard most often is Jasmine, so I hope it's true!!!  I've been trying really hard lately not to get sucked in by makeup collections just because of an awesome theme.  Disney makes that particularly difficult for me.  I'm amazed at myself for passing on Cinderella, but I already have many colors similar to the ones in that eyeshadow palette, including all the gorgeous blues (which I don't even use very often).  So I was a good girl and passed.  But I've already told my DH that if they come out with a Sleeping Beauty one, I HAVE to have it, with Jasmine and Belle rounding out my three must haves (unless the colors aren't appealing, of course).  As soon as anyone finds out anything about the next princess for sure, we need a new thread!!! And now back to Archie... lol


Well-known member
Yay, I've managed to cut my list down a lot! Cream soda blush Prom princess blush Betty bright lipstick Luck in love piggy Probably The brush set (I love my 226, and I wouldn't mind another, so unless they really suck, I'm getting them) Maybe One of the Mascaras (bout time I tried a Mac one, but I really only use waterproof, so we'll see) One of the pearlmattes, if I try it and like it Boyfriend stealer or Ronnie red, need to see and swatch


Well-known member
My wish list: Veronica: Prom Princess blush Daddy's little Girl lipstick Mall madness lipglass Strawberry malt lipglass Spoiled Rich Quad Nail polish - I don't know the colors but I'm getting one of them no matter what! Betty: Betty Bright lipstick Cream Soda blush Nail polish Maybe on the brush set , 1 pigment ( either of bettys) and mascaras. Depends on swatches: Ronnie Red ( all my red lipstick is are matte, so it will need to be Amazing) Girl next door lipstick (don't use my VG gaga 1 very much so if its similar I wil pass) Caramel Sundae quad Flatter me pearl matte Veronica's blush pearl matte All of Betty's lipglosses ( I prefer cremesheen gloss) which item is most likely to end up at the CCO?


Well-known member
If you can live without the comic book packaging, both colors are perm.

And i thought the Betty Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner would be Lord It Up. I want LIU but don't see a good reason to spend more for the fancy packaging, since Archie is ok, but i'm not really fannish.
Oh wow thanks I didn't know both where perm. I won't be getting them then lol because i can live with out the packaging especially on pencils because eventually it will be gone.


Well-known member
I am so excited for Prom Princess since I read the descripton!

Midtone violet pink -> that sounds awesome

Pink with an apparent violet sheen would be gorgeous


Well-known member
I own Cinderella from October's release. But the new princess comes out this spring. The sephora manager doesn't know yet on which princess it will be on. It's rumored that it might be Jasmine or Ariel. Either way I plan to collect all of them. The palette is wonderfully pigmented and blends like a dream.
i hope it is jasmine because there is no jasmine stuff anywhere for collectors. I would know my house looks like Disneyland lol


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Caramel sundae
spoiled rich

Lucky in love

Flatter me (maybe)
Prom Princess

Bright betty
DLG (maybe)

Mall Madness (maybe)
