MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Yup, get to stalking this weekend, my friends!
I will def be in stalking mode. I "think" Mac normally give a head-start launch to product lines that they may not sell out as much as the others. I think they maximize off the hype surrounding anticipated the launch "Archie Girls". I recall the Stylish Brow collection launching with Apres Chic and Strength. The paintpots are perm so they may eventually get forgotten or overlooked. People tend to get excited and order all at once when they go online.


Well-known member
I doubt it as T says that, "I will not have reviews available until I’m able to purchase the products and receive them! I always post my reviews as soon as I can once I have the products. If there are no reviews, it means I don’t have the product!"
I saw. I posted that half an hour before she updated. Unfortunately, this seems to be the norm for her nowadays.


Well-known member
I wonder if the little comic book on her blog will be given away at the event. I NEED it.
The comic books are still available at the supermarkets. I see them all the time at Publix by the magazine section at the check-out lines. I have been tempted to pick up a few recently myself but I resisted the urge thus far!!!! I have read enough to last a lifetime


Well-known member
The comic books are still available at the supermarkets. I see them all the time at Publix by the magazine section at the check-out lines. I have been tempted to pick up a few recently myself but I resisted the urge thus far!!!! I have read enough to last a lifetime
A shame the whole country doesn't have a Publix!


Well-known member
Tatyiona [URL=" said:

Originally Posted by Tatyiona;1982845"] The no pro discount is killing my soul

T said she called counters and pro and they said no discount. Maybe MacGuy can confirm.
Live chat for what its worth said it will apply.


Well-known member
rotf at "and block me too"
:blush: :winkiss:
I am so excited for Betty Bright lipstick!!  And I am a sucker for any pale peach gloss so I will probably pick up Summer Sweetheart lipglass as well.  Oh and Caramel Sundae eyeshadow quad. As for face productsI am having the hardest time trying to decide between getting Cream Soda Blush and Flatter Me Pearlmatte!!!  I know I have a couple of coral blushes already at home but I this shade looks so cute!  And I looked up some swatches of Shell Pearl Beauty Powder and it looks more golden and a bit more shimmery than Flatter Me. I used to have Foolish Me blush and I loved it.  Right now I'm leaning towards Flatter Me because I don't have any Pearlmattes in my collection.  How do Pearlmattes compare to Beauty Powders?  
I posted comparisons a few pages back.


Well-known member
Just wanted to add that I compared Karen's lip swatches of Daddy's Little Girl and Night Blooming side by side and they look very similar. Night Blooming seems a bit brighter, DLG might be more wearable.
So is it better to get Flatter Me or Shell Pearl?! Or just both LOL!!
I'm wondering that too. I think I might just get both to since they do not appear to be the same in swatches.


Well-known member
In that case

I can skip Shell Pearl. Wihooooo!
For me its the other way round. I'm definitely getting Shell Pearl (unless I miss it, in which case I'll head for the nearest open window) and I already have PiP (plus a BU on the way!) so I can remove both Pearlmattes off my wishlist.

Technically they're not even Pearlmattes are they? I thought a Pearlmatte was a different sort of product alltogether. Not a BP with a bit of blush shoved in it.


Well-known member
The comic books are still available at the supermarkets. I see them all the time at Publix by the magazine section at the check-out lines. I have been tempted to pick up a few recently myself but I resisted the urge thus far!!!! I have read enough to last a lifetime

A shame the whole country doesn't have a Publix!
Good thing the whole country does not want Archie comics books, lol