MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Maybe MAC's New Year's resolution was to send email and text notifications about collections before half the stuff is sold out.


Well-known member
hmmm maybe they were doing a test, to see if their servers would crash or not


Well-known member
i just called MAC and they said indeed that perhaps the email was sent too early and somehow that Year of the Snake was supposed to release Feb 10th (Carlton Banks side eye) but its a chance that it will be up tomorrow and they are waiting on feedback, blah blah blahhhh

Well Feb 10th is the Chinese New Year this year but that goes against the release date they had before. Smh MAC


Well-known member
At 10:10am I got an e-mail from MAC for Year of The Snake being online but it's NOT up yet. I think they will release it tonight then Archie's tomorrow night.


Well-known member
Anybody seen these yet?
Betty Bright and SR quad
. Veronica's Blush looks amazing also. Skipping Prom Princess now, since I probably wouldn't use it often enough anyways.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
MAC said it should be up in a hour or so.. I asked if Archie was launching today as well and she told me later this week.. I just had to sneak that question in there...


Well-known member
MAC said it should be up in a hour or so.. I asked if Archie was launching today as well and she told me later this week.. I just had to sneak that question in there...
Idk why but for some reason I think they may tell us one thing and then do another. Just maybe
I just spoke to a girl on chat and she advised me to try SNAKE for free shipping. It's working, so the collection should be live very soon!