MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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I'll probably miss the launch considering I have to go to the gym at 3. Fingers crossed that it will come out soon.


Well-known member
Awww! same here


Well-known member
Nice Haul!

I personally try to stay away from the travel-size brushes. In my experience, they just don't have the same quality and they are sort of disappointing. If you are buying them just because you think they are cute, then go for it. They would be nice to have in your handbag for touch-ups and stuff, but I wouldn't rely on them for everyday use. If you really need brushes I would spend a little bit more and buy the full-size versions. The quality is much better, IMO. I think the brush set will be available everywhere...but some of the other accessories are online only. Can anyone confirm this? I also anticipate they may be the only "accessory" to sell out.
Thank you:)

I have other brush sets from past collections like hello kitty, wonder woman, glamour daze and a few other older sets and honestly I have never used them:( I think I look at them much more of a collectors item than something I can use on a daily basis. I Think The AG brush set is very cute and if I buy it I might end up not using it like my other sets:( .. i know it might sound stupid to spend money on something you are not going to use:( specially when you know you can buy something else or save that money to buy clothes or a pair of new shoes etc..... sigh...! Im not going to lie im such a sucker for cute brushes
I hope it get over it soon! Darn you MAC LOL!!

I also believe the brush set will be sell out fast.
I agree with everyone else. They need to go ahead and release this collection. I'm new here. I just found the love of makeup last year. Now i am totally obsessed with lipstick
. I was up off and on ever two hours last night. My poor husband kept waking up because of the alarm I was setting and he gets up at 6am to go to work. I feel like I haven't slept at all. lol.


Well-known member
Read through 200 comments... I'm back! Going to get ready for work now...
I think MAC does this on purpose so by the time they actually DO post the collection,,, we are all toooooo exhausted to think clearly and go on wild impulse buying sprees!! You get yourself all amped up and sleep deprived and then worry that you've missed something on your list that's great, get all panicked and then order wayyyy more than you intended! BRAVO MAC BRAVO! Heehee


Well-known member
It doesn't sound stupid at all! Everyone has a soft spot for one thing or another! One of the great things about Specktra is we tend to be very understanding of people's collections and obsessions!


Well-known member
UGH.... PM's both say COMING SOON! The madness begins! I will NOT place more than one order for this collection! So MAC's about to lose a sale here!